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TagsBill_Nye, Carl_Sagan, Neil_deGrasse_Tyson, Stephen_Hawking, SunBlock, featured_image
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Info694x607 // 131KB // png
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Anonymous1: Now that's what I call euphoric!
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Zvantastika: RIP Stephen Hawking. I just hope the stairs to heaven are wheelchair accessible. He was an atheist tho so it might not really matter.
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Anonymous2: Truly, our beloved scientist shall rest easy in his death knowing that this exists to honor him.
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Anonymous3: Where was the sticky for billy?
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NynDeezNutz: Rip wheelchair robot, your voice made me laugh as a small child.
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Nowhere because this site doesn't "sticky" anything.
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Dagg: WTF?! It just made Wednesday!
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Anonymous5: RIP Stephen "Bernie" Hawking, Crestor of Rick and Morty
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CaptainBoomer: They gave him two years to live, fifty years ago. Heck of a tenacious bastard.

A Brief History of Time was my first pop sci book. Read it as a kid, sparked a fascination that's till with me today. Gonna legit miss the old robo-man.
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KeybladeMaster22: He died peacefully.
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Anonymous6: Oh my god. I can’t believe he’s gone. Rest In Peace. Hey, maybe he’ll come back in the future, you never know...
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Anonymous7: now he's free of that damn chair
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RogerTheRabbit: "Data, leave a chair free, we have an extra player today"
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neo4812: save his brain!
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FrakkaFukkenFractalz: Fucking a vegetable is for vegans, not for Bill Nye lol
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Chupacabra555: Yep, I heard about Hawking's death just a few minutes ago, so I figured there would be a featured image here featuring him somehow.
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Chupacabra555: Also, I agree with Captain Boomer, the fact that he lived so long after his diagnosis was, well... a Miracle (if I can use that word in reference to one of the most famous Atheist of all time ^_^)
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dlt: Right on time as usual, Paheal.

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Zaxares: Rest in peace, Mr Hawking. I know you were an atheist and didn't believe in an afterlife, so I'll just thank you for your tremendous contributions to science and to the knowledge of mankind. You will be missed.
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Anonymous8: @Zaxares: What's wrong with being an atheist and not believing in an afterlife?
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: Anon8, I believe that @Zaxares was just acknowledging that he couldn't very well say "And now he's in heaven with God" or some such. He's respecting his choice.
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beardedrabbit: I can dutifully say that Paheal was not the first place I became aware of his passing, which is a first. That said, the cosmic and karmic significance of Hawking's life from his date of birth to date of his death are as deep as his thoughts of space itself. Where ever you gone sir, you will be missed.
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Anonymous10: May your elements return to the universe and collapse in a supermassive star that will then emit Hawking radiation as a black hole. You will be missed.
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Anonymous11: never forget the hawk
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Anonymous12: Bitch plz, he was more valuable for humanity than any pope that ever existed, of course he is on heaven
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fazzdag: Thought it was the Pep Boys at first
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Kar2n_parodize: @Dagg: And posted next week. Today's only the 14th! How'd they accomplish THAT?
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Anonymous13: Rest in piece, robo-voice
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Decanter: @Dagg @Kar2n_parodize y'all may wanna take a closer look at that date.
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Anonymous14: Why do you fucking honor someone with porn
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Farfegnugen: @Decanter: Posted March 20, 2015? That's some kind of wizardry to make an image appear from three years ago.
@Anonymous: Welcome to your first day on the site.
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Kar2n_parodize: @Decanter: Only saw the month and date, not the year. Sorry 'bout that, Chief.
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Kar2n_parodize: "Never mind."
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RocketDog: Geniusapillar! Sexy as fuck.
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tyciol: I think >>1837 would have made a better feature.
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Anonymous15: What is with this site and horrible timing?
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Anonymous16: And they even have matching socks and knees.
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Anonymous17: Gay
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Anonymous18: RIP Hawking. To the artist who caught the likeness of their famous atheist faces. I will put pupils in their eyes. RU asian or hispanic?
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Anonymous19: Hopefully hell has wheelchair access
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Anonymous20: I found this to be difficult to masturbate to.
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Hentailicker93: So much for his death.
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Anonymous21: Sciencing is useless now that we have calculators
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Anonymous22: @Anonymous: You're just not being clever enough with it.
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TheDR: And now, seeing who died, I am sad
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Anonymous23(19): who cares if some old guy died lul
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NicePeter: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: go back to your church hole instead of watching sinful porn. Not mention, old man he was indeed, but he was more knowledgeable, more famous, and had more net worth than you'll ever have in your lifetime
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Anonymous24: Rest in Peace. Truly tragic, he was an inspiration.
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Anonymous25(24): Anon 20/24, Fuck off you cunt
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Anonymous26: @Anonymous: Hopefully Heaven has the medicine to autism, to cure faggots like you
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Anonymous28: Wow! A good 'feature'! Don't see too many of these any more
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Anonymous29: Awww shit. Stephen Hawkens died 3 days agonand this is how I find out.... Watch his cameo in Star Trek TNG, he had a blast in it.
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Anonymous30: Fucking bastard who did it, you deserve death
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Anonymous31(8): @Anonymous: Not sure if you're wishing him well or not hmmm
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EdwardPenishands: Theoretical science showcases how to go into the black hole and through the wormhole.
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Anonymous32: Wonderful, truly a piece of nice art.
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Anonymous33: So that's how they discovered the Big Bang!
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Anonymous34(8): @Anonymous: Seems like politics hampers your judgement
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Anonymous35: Awesome man, rest in peace. Science will miss you.
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Anonymous36: Rest in Peace Best scientist
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imreallybored54: Dawn of the Third Day
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Anonymous37: A human centipede of Science.
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Anonymous38: Rest In Peace
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Anonymous39: GAAAAAAYyy... oh wait they have socks on nvm
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Anonymous40: hot
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NicePeter: @Anonymous: Fuck off already with politics, you psycho clod
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Urbane_Guerrilla: As a general rule, global warming alarmists are putting more faith in a computer model that is simplified from the actual empirical weather system than in observation. This is not good science.
In related developments, we are not actually experiencing a shortage of polar bears nor an enlargement of the Sahara. (!) You'd think we'd at least get the latter.
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Anonymous41(8): @Urbane_Guerrilla: You're probably no scientist, and care more about your money
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Anonymous42(8): @Urbane_Guerrilla: What about the obvious coral bleaching? Is that computer models as wells?
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Anonymous43: @Anonymous: but did you manage?
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HiddenD: Can we get a Feature for PalComix? Their site(s) are dying and they could use some support.
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Anonymous44: @Urbane_Guerrilla: Spotted the oil addicted redneck
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Anonymous45: @HiddenD: It doesn't really surprise me. I joined their site just to look for one kind of art. 90% of their content is Sonic the Hedgehog. Not against it, but for people like myself that are into other characters, it's a let down. Plus, when you're charged a monthly fee just to hope for one new art piece and a whole month goes by without it, it's money wasted.
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Anonymous46: Duh. Even on r34 you can't get away from hawking faggotry.
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RogerTheRabbit: @HiddenD: I always support rule34 sites out of principle, however I never liked Pal, it was always subpar shit.

That said, its their own fault for being behind the times, paid-membership sites for porn have gone the way of the dinosaurs. And their offering wasn't worth the money.
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Anonymous47: @Yee3: I know its like there are only fagots on this site
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Anonymous48(43): GOOD MORNING/AFTERNOON EVERYONE! How's everything going?
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Don't neglect the point that I am pro-nuke, as well. Thorium, once you can get making fissionables from it within a fuel rod, is extremely interesting as well: antiproliferative (no practicable way to extract kaboomstuff from a rod; basically have to have it emit its heat, carrying the energy through the primary loop to heat the secondary and drive those power turbines with it), no need to concentrate isotopes (bcs of method required to extract power from it, garden variety Th-232 is all that's needed (+ neutron or alpha particle source)) and Th-232 is four times as abundant in the Earth's crust as uranium.
This is one example of if you are truly concerned that too much CO2 is building up from a lesser to a greater number of ppm in the atmosphere, and not merely hiding anti-First Worldism behind an essentially religious cloak, you will be pro-nuke, and permanently. The science has been too corrupted by politics, and the corruption of science by politics is Communist -- not that they had to, they just did. That Sucks, capitalized. I prefer not to suck, and accomplish a piece of that by not subscribing to climate alarmism. The world's been warm before; climate has shifted before. There were ice ages in the Permian, and a high global average temperature in the early Miocene. Some will mention speed of change, and cry Doom! Doom! Well... I've heard Global Inescapable Doom before: we were all going to Starve To Death By The Billions as the population bomb exploded.
We didn't. That is all. But the Anti-FirstWorldists (who are never themselves remarkably antimaterialistic in private) can always rely on the youth and inexperience of some of their audience.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: The above ClimateActivists (doubtless it's fair to compound the word) tell us the Lie of the Left: You -- yeah, you, buddy -- are too *wealthy.* Because you are Too Wealthy(tm) you must be made less wealthy. Think of the Children!!!
That will always be done, essentially, by stealing from you.
Which is Very Very BAD. It is how socialism generates misery through noncomprehension of how economics actually works. Socialists are prey to the discredited idea that economics is a zero-sum game: that if one is wealthy, another must by natural law be poor.
Jesus Christ Himself thought that was how it worked. But then absolutely nobody living in first-century Palestine understood economics anyway. Sixteen-seventeen centuries would pass before anyone tried working up economic theory. That the world does not exile all its cardcarrying Socialists to, oh, the Seychelles, to leave them to their mental masturbation or scalp massage, and leaving the rest of us to get capitalistically richer -- it's the best way -- without them, is evidence that an understanding of economics is not universal around the globe.
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Anonymous49: lost my boner
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Anonymous50: @Urbane_Guerrilla: Tell me where the socialism touched you, please.
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Anonymous51: @Urbane_Guerrilla: Says science is polluted by politics. Is rambling about politics 90% of the time. Is interesting how a politician tries to speak about science
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Anonymous52: so many damn tributes to the late Steven hawking in this comment section.
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Anonymous53: Help '-'
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Anonymous54: @Urbane_Guerrilla: You made a grammatical error. The period in the quote "wealthy" goes after the quotation marks (or asterisks in that case).
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Anonymous55: For fuck sake, why does every featured image has to be obnoxius and irritating? I have seen better porn than this obnoxius shitty images, so sad that more dedicating artists don't get credited and shitty and cri gey artists get more attention
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Anonymous56(55): *cringey
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Anonymous57: Why is this a fucking featured image? what the hell fix this shit
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Coral has... had troubles for very many years. Heard anything about crown-of-thorns starfish lately? -- *that* was going to kill all the coral, all over the world, or approximately that. The crown-of-thorns eats coral polyps for a living and it hasn't been getting any coral-destroying headlines lately. But we're supposed to think coral bleaching is some harbinger of DOOM, INEVITABLE GLOBAL DOOM UNLESS WE ADOPT POVERTY, CHASTITY, AND OBEDIENCE to would-be rulers of the Great State. Riiiiiight.
Hard to sell something like that to me. But they do have you, don't they? I've been around; I've seen this "you must impoverish yourself and for that matter your shining republic as well, in order to be virtuous" sort of thing come and go. Fortunately, to scant effect. I say again, fortunately.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: You'd be a product of British public schooling, wouldn't you? Not critical of that placement of punctuation points -- it does make sense -- but if I'm going to use what Noah Webster (a rather interesting lexicographer/harmless drudge) dubs the "American language," however much computer-styled, the period's going to go just where I, Americanly, put it.
BTW, you are neglecting your bridge and it will fall on your head. Infrastructure decay, you know.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Aaand let me understand this thoroughly -- you come facelessly along to give me a tweaking about social philosophies, with both scant and anonymous evidence you've got anything at all worth believing in. Is that it? Nil evidence you ever even got good grades in science class, while we're at it. Is that it? When was the last time you acted on a suggestion you go get a life -- like, one worth reading about? I think it's time to ask: Are you woke? Are you Cheetos-comatose?
I'm better at overdoing than you are, Anon-puppy. Say something respectable.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Do you wonder at this bridge stuff? Easily cleared up: under the bridge is where a troll dwells -- and Louie doesn't.
No, nobody's all that certain who Louie was.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: [points at wallet] [then points at your wallet too]
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Strangle socialism, and insist everyone in sight do likewise, and the happiness, through not being lumbered with government burdens and bureaucracy, and the fortune, by less taxation, of everyone in sight will significantly increase.
Hell, couldn't *you* do with more money and a better mood? -- I knew you could. [/Mister Rogers]
If you are not down with freemarket capitalism, you are not down with life.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Me, too. Me too.
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Anonymous58: @Urbane_Guerrilla: shut up nerd
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: How 'bout No. After all, how does you being manifestly a myopic fool oblige me to do the same?... That's right. It does not.
You, however, could grow if you emulate my example. Then, if you're still an ass, you're a clever ass. Which automatically makes you rather more fun.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Oh, yeah: Socialism leans to the antisexual. If you're a determined pornzter, be capitalist. Rampantly.
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Anonymous59: lmfao yall are bitching about politics in the comment section of an image of rick and morty viewers having a hot orgy
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Anonymous60(8): @Urbane_Guerrilla: Funny, I've never found a scientific article from a respected journal that suggests we adopt poverty, chastity, and obedience to somebody in order to solve some obvious climate change issues. The paranoia is strong with you
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NicePeter: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: I don't know if you guys are being serious or not, but refrain of doing those messages if you don't want to be banned
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Anonymous61: Need a new feature... The death of Rick and Morty. No new season.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Respected journal, I am sure you wouldn't find. Fashionable universal, global catastrophism I have been around long enough to see before. Do not confuse vigilance with paranoia, lest you find yourself locked up in a society of Sieg Heil. Or Dear Leader, if you'd rather. They're one.
Anti-First-Worldism is the agenda, and a very despicable one it is. Climate -- that's the excuse and the veiling cloak. Don't put up with it, even on a pornsite. I sure don't.
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Anonymous62(8): @Urbane_Guerrilla: Can you cite the scientific articles where they cite their anti-first-worldism agenda? From Nature, Scientific American, etc? Because you seem to only talk, and talk, and talk, like a good old politician, blaming everyone and everyone, pointing fingers, and stuff, but you sure don't do anything besides that.
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Anonymous63: @Anonymous: I smell PSTD from him. Is like an cornered animal. Act by fear and rage. Not entirely bright
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Hitncum: Hope he's burning in hell now.
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Anonymous64: @Hitncum: At least he'll be surrounded by friendly faces, unlike you
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Anonymous65: @Anonymous: That is, if hell or heaven do exist (which probably don't)
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Anonymous66: What the actual fuck. What is wrong with the world
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Anonymous67: Who the hell argues politics on a porn website? Take your ass the the youtube comment section. I'm here to fap.
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Anonymous68: The earth is flat. Search for Eric Dubay's "200 proofs Earth is not a spinning ball". Let these masons have their cheesy orgies. Their time has passed.
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Anonymous69: Push me and then just touch me 'til I can get my satisfaction

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