EpicFailMomma: parsleymagnet it will probably be just like both of them. Human untill it grows up and then it can be either. Duh. Also, this is still the best thing I have seen in my entire life, ever.
Anonymous6: If I recall, the dragon genes skip each generation, which would be why jake's mom can't transform into a dragon. So their kid would most likely be human.
Anonymous7: The dragon genes can skip generations, or they can be active from one generation to the next. Jack's and Hally's mom had them in a dormant state. It is even possible for the dragon genes not to be passed along at all.
RusteShackleferd: I shall always fap to this dragons are the sexiest thing I have ever seen. Also anon7 is correct it said in the show that even though jake's mom isn't a dragon his cousin and aunt are as well as their granpa great-granpa and great-great-granpas are dragons
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