Anonymous3: this image brings forth a disgust in me that i can't explain. i loathe it. it makes me want to vomit. his penor deserves no shoutouts. it's doing a SHITTY job. FUCK brad's penor. and not in the good way. i hope everyone who derived any pleasure from this dies.
Anonymous4(3): i tried to scroll up back to the search bar but i accidentally looked at this image again. i fucking HATE this. i hate this image. it's so terrible. no one deserves this. i fucking hate his nipples. they look like the fucking end of a laser shooter. like a fucking toy gun. it looks like they cut out his nipples. like out of paper. and just glued them on over his normal nipples. i fucking hate his hair, too! this is so terrible. i hate his face (my friend roy? he wants to FUCK this image. he disgusts me. this is why i called 911 when he tried to talk to me. this image has alianted (whatever) one of my greatest friendships. you're suppose to lose friends over whether you have the same political alignment or not, not because one of you loves brad's "penor" (disgusting) and one of you is correct and thinks its a fucking abomination.) it's a suck. it's all a suck. i'm so fucking angry. i'm sorry. i was fired recently and since then i've just...blamed this image for everything that has happened to me since then. it's been 5 months since i was fired. and then 4 weeks ago my wife left me. she kind of looked like yoshi. i don't know. i can't explain it. anyway. this morning i come to find out my dad got hit by a car at the same time as my cat. by the same car. my dad wasn't holding my cat or anything, i guess the cat jumped in front of him to save him? no. what am i saying? my cat was a bastard. he would never fucking do that. he kind of looked like brad. my cat, not my dad. my dads dad looked like terry. but he's dead. he died too, but that was a while ago. i'm going to blame it on this image anyway. anyway. my dad looked like uh...carp. i think that's his name? the fish guy who isn't really a whole fish. just kind of a fish. like my friend roy. he was kind of a fish. i think he takes after my friend ezra who kind of looks like a fucking tuna fish. i lost ezra to this image, too. i won't go into detail about that. it hurts too much. the wounds are too fresh. i just..i..i hate his face. i fucking hate his face. it fucking ANNOYS me. why is he so fucking calm about his dick just being OUT THERE? i don't fucking get it! my wife took the kids! ugh. it annoys me. did he voluntarily flop his penis out? is he just staring at it? penis conscious? i don't know! i don't know. everything hurts and this image makes it worse. no part of this deserves a shoutout. not his penor, not his face. or his hair. or anything. OH ALSO! HIS HAIRY ASS! HIS ASS IS AS HAIRY AS THE REST OF HIM! it disgusts me. look, i get that razors are short in the apocolypse but COME ON! i guess gays find it sexy?? ass hair?? i don't know. all my friends have left me i have no one left. this is the only thing i have left. brad, his penis and his asshair. god i feel fucking sick to my stomach. also i'm sorry? but brad armstrong? he wouldn't be uncut. marty and most likely marty's wife were devote christians (as you can tell if you payed attention. at all) but whatever. this image just makes me sick. everything about it. i'm done. i'm so fucking done.
Meanwhile, on a purely objective level, my self-analysis reckons that this is what it would like like if Danny DeVito and Kris Kristofferson had a child.
Artistically, the bold lines and complimentary tonal shading lend a definitive ambiguity that mystifies everything within the confines of the image. While my latent hetero-sexuality loathes the rampant masculinity in deference to similarly styled female erotica, I can still appreciate the attention and effort that went into this creation. We see presented: Man, but not the ideal man. Instead a being of complex depth but a raw physicality of hirsute roughness contrasted with unblemished smoothness that defies the viewer to judge him. "I am here," He says. "See me, but let's just leave it at that." (In less words, I like it.) Good work, Sinnamom; and good submission, blueblueblue! Thanks.
Meanwhile, on a purely objective level, my self-analysis reckons that this is what it would like like if Danny DeVito and Kris Kristofferson had a child.
Artistically, the bold lines and complimentary tonal shading lend a definitive ambiguity that mystifies everything within the confines of the image. While my latent hetero-sexuality loathes the rampant masculinity in deference to similarly styled female erotica, I can still appreciate the attention and effort that went into this creation. We see presented: Man, but not the ideal man. Instead a being of complex depth but a raw physicality of hirsute roughness contrasted with unblemished smoothness that defies the viewer to judge him. "I am here," He says. "See me, but let's just leave it at that." (In less words, I like it.) Good work, Sinnamom; and good submission, blueblueblue! Thanks.
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