Anonymous1: God this art style is so demented. I mean, I'm all for making the art look a little better so it isnt just pedo art, but this is fucking insane.
Anonymous2: It's funny on the trixie tang/ tootie artwork, lots of dimwitted assholes having there own opinons and one piss raining on there parade of liking/hating his work. Probably it's not japanese and it's not foriegn, so many sad kids grew up to be demented and brainwash to love oriental pussy.
Anonymous4: So people bitch about his art not being realistic then go back to jerking off to tits that could never be on a frame like that or asses white wimmin will never have?
Anonymous7: I like it, shows major exaggeration of the pose. I want something with a little flavor sometimes, not just boring stale pose with no rhythm.
Anonymous9(7): i can't fap to it either, simply because I don't find mandy face attractive. i see the face and realize she is like 2 feet tall, and see her on a 6 foot body turns me off
MayarO: Wagner's style is different, granted, tho let's see mosta you talentless fappers do better...I'm an anime junkie, tho Wagner's style is demented and unrealistic, tho he damn well gets the point across, an I envy his talent...if I could draw HALF as good as this guy, I'd be estatic!
Now qwityerbitchin an learn ta draw if ya don't like this, rather than just bitch about it, sheesh.
Anonymous16: What that is what you want to ram it up her asshole and her to fight you with it. Keeps it nice and tight.
Wont get so loose and farty as easy.
And it keeps the shit in.
Now that the think perverts idea.
Anonymous21(16): Yeah I have read some of his stuff.
Her Frothing Farter Puckering Pooter?
Try and read a story by him and it might kill you.
His spelling is fucking shit.
But no one makes better names for assholes then he does.
Anonymous27: Nerver!!!!!!!!must be hard for him to keep his boner if she just squezzeing it with that amazing ass...fuck what every one says this is fappable!!!
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I hate this art.
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Now qwityerbitchin an learn ta draw if ya don't like this, rather than just bitch about it, sheesh.
Wont get so loose and farty as easy.
And it keeps the shit in.
Now that the think perverts idea.
Her Frothing Farter Puckering Pooter?
Try and read a story by him and it might kill you.
His spelling is fucking shit.
But no one makes better names for assholes then he does.
Farting or Sucking?
I read it in their voices.