akigawa: the only things that piss me off is that she doesn't have her helemet on, and it says SQUARE ENIX. crono trigger was b4 square enix. it would have also been nice if they put the crono crew into kh instead of tossing them aside like they did. i mean, how awesome would it be to fight heartless lavos? it'd be fuckin' intense, that's what it'd be.
Anonymous4: For the longest time, I thought this was Velma, from Scooby-Doo, done by Liquidxlead, and I liked it, loads. Now that I find out that I am mistaken,and, I have no idea who is is, I still like it, loads. But, this teaches me, that I have to be more observant. Let this be a lesson to us all. Also, lose the panties, please.
Anonymous7: That looks like her tongue.. the artist didn't outline it all the way and now it looks like a third lip or something. You could also blame the coloring job around that too, which didn't add too much distinction between the lip and the tongue.
Still a nice picture though.