Anonymous3(2): 'Not you too!' I shouted in extreme annoyance. Shining Armor showing the empty soulless eyes of one possessed by Satan and Rainbow Dash showing the dazed expression and speaking the shitty, prearranged words, the telltale sign of someone in a trance. In extreme aggravation, I pushed the long end of my silver crucifix in the barrel of my Desert Eagle, raised it and fired. The Satanic Shining Armor took my silver crucifix in the solar plexus. He stumbled back, his phallus slipping out of Rainbow Dash. Then I took out something I'd never used before, the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. I pulled out the sacred pin and hurled at Shining Armor, while a chorus of 'hallelujah' rang from the grenade. After the dust settled and Shining Armor landed, Rainbow Dash came out of her trance and Shining Armor redressed, accepted my apology. Rainbow Dash looked at me in a way that suggested she wanted to finish what she had been doing, so we made love. And after that, I felt fulfilled, happy to be with the one I love again.
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Also, Dash's quotes are really cheesy! xD