Suzuka: I hate this couple. But I have this feeling he chose Tygra to keep him from betraying Lion-O...Cause we all know cats, in general, can easily betray their kind - one way or another.
champofgalacticretards: @Suzuka: Yeah...but worst is Lion-O used to like Pymra then he was betrayed when she was sided with Mummra. Feel like stab in the back. I am a catman. kind? I am just bicolor house cat. Meow.
Anonymous1: dont worry you're not the only one just look at the ratings of the show right after cheetara chose to be with tygra it praticallt plummeted down, its pretty damn suspect that after the love triangle bull that happened, it was the beginning of the end for the show, i wonder what would have happened to the show if this didnt happen
Anonymous2: Anon1: They were doing alright till the triangle bullshit. The show probably would've been salvageable. All we can hope for now is a new reboot down the road.
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