Anonymous8: @Anonymous: This isn't just Nightmare Fuel... that's Nightmare Fuel to like... the Nightmare Bus. To drive off the Nightmare Cliff... into Nightmare Canyon.
Anonymous9: @Anonymous: I don't think it'd hurt much more than having a whole person shoved up her vagina, since, I always believed that Batman's ears were flexible, and, the villain in charge of this, probably wanted this to go on and on and on, along as possible!
Anonymous10(9): What I'd been worrying about whenever they're returned to normal(?), is how Wonder Woman's going to explain all the piercing along her labia and clitoris. To say nothing of her stretched, sore, ASS!
Anonymous11(9): Obviously, when they're all returned to normal, no one who was here, will be able to face each other, for a loooonnnng time, if ever! Most however, will be looking into why Mordred was NEVER seen again! Whenever anyone asked, many Justice Leaguers blushed, some stammered, and, ALL, changed the subject!
There's always so much freaking out.