Casperthy_Frendligost: Cyril Sneer was not disgusting like this on the show. In fact he sort of mellowed as it progressed. Whether the character cleaned up his act -or was redefined to not alienate the viewers I am NOT sure. - R O S C O E
This is one of the dumbest reports I have ever seen. Yes on the first part, but we're worried about the safety of cartoon characters now? If you are referring to the safety of people seeing the pic and being inspired to do the same thing, I think such people are goners anyway if they are that mindless. Even if they don't eat shit, they will harm themselves in another way.
- Reply
This is one of the dumbest reports I have ever seen. Yes on the first part, but we're worried about the safety of cartoon characters now? If you are referring to the safety of people seeing the pic and being inspired to do the same thing, I think such people are goners anyway if they are that mindless. Even if they don't eat shit, they will harm themselves in another way.