Anonymous7: Anon 6, I read it...I still don't get it. What, since her suit has a BIG zipper that goes down the top to the very's got caught in the zipper? Confusing.
Anonymous8: Vagina Dentata, Vagina Teeth, a male fear, odd that its pretty much NEVER appeared anywhere, a myth. Om is of course hot, as she wears a skin tight suit and hair buns, like Chun-Li from Street Fighter Alpha, but 4 feet tall.
Anonymous9: Naw you all have it wrong.
She's using that new anti raep device... though now that I think about it.... even if a girl had one... just drill her in the pooper.
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Vagina Dentata got your penis?
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She's using that new anti raep device... though now that I think about it.... even if a girl had one... just drill her in the pooper.
Om is WATER Queen of Sleeping Forest. Water. Your penis. Water. Get it?