Sinny_god: i have GOT to figure out how to save gifs properly!
anyway this is a game (not a flash) equip with AI and SFX. there isnt a loop she will allways react different to wat he does and he dosnt allways do the same thing (despite the repetitive GIF). ps can any1 tell me how to save good sized gifs from AVI's?
Sinny_god: this is not a flash, it is an .exe and the good peeps here have made it very clear they do not want me making links to .exes on there site. SO u will have to go thru ink bunny
Anonymous7: Hmmm dear Sinny_god: Thats fine just type down the links address no need to make a link on here.rules are rules *sigh* Any way I would be ever so greatful if you did so,I will also put word in chatango about those nice art skills you have thanks.
Anonymous8(7): Hmm well if you can't post a link to take us right to the game,could you perhaps post it some where else? Example E621 perhaps? E621 seems to let you post links and other works of art like this,be it flash .exe swf or other. Thanks
anyway this is a game (not a flash) equip with AI and SFX. there isnt a loop she will allways react different to wat he does and he dosnt allways do the same thing (despite the repetitive GIF). ps can any1 tell me how to save good sized gifs from AVI's?