Anonymous1: goddamnit... could somebody please make a rule 34 gay version or something. I mean this crap and all those gay tf2 pics are ruining my day.
Anonymous3: Yeah, this bothers me way less than the beefcake team fortress 2 and resident evil guys buttfucking each other. Also, if we're separating stuff because we think it's gross, that fucking guro shit needs to go, I'd sooner sort through a hundred pictures of soldier getting bukkaked than go see one more thumbnail of a girl's intestines being ripped out. How the FUCK is that porn?
Anonymous6: Yo omg are you gonna just sit there whining and crying because you found gay porn of a game you like or are you gonna fap god damn get on my level brah
Anonymous8: First of all why are you shocked? You wanna look at anime titty girls online, some people wanna see pretty boy buttholes. So, maybe just scroll past them? Or idk ignore them? Close yo eyes. Tf.
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