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Anonymous1: I know this was posted like 4 yrs ago but can anyone tell what the writing on Leons butt says?
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Anonymous2: Hey Anon 1, I’m pretty sure Hagakure’s writing his name. Might be wrong though.
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Anonymous3(1): Hey, it's Anon 1 agian, and I found an app where you draw Chinese symbols and it attempts to translate them. I got that the 1st symbol means "to feel sorry"(I'm sure on this one), the 2nd symbol means "to be used in a bad way" (makes since), when I tried to draw the 1st and 2nd symbol together it got "meaningless beyond form". I couldn't find anything on the last symbol.
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Anonymous4: Anon 3, I think you should translate from Japanese. I know kanji originated from Chinese but you might get a different result