Anonymous1: Peter: "Ooooooooooookay, and, I will be taking up residence, in the Dumpster, behind the 7-11, until this is all worted out, and/or, I wake UP!"
Brian; "Wait up, Peter, I'm going with You, just let me pack My Bags!"
Anonymous2(1): Peter: "Ooooooooooookay, and, I will be taking up residence, in the Dumpster, behind the 7-11, until this is all sorted out, and/or, I wake UP!"
Brian; "Wait up, Peter, I'm going with You, just let me pack My Bags!"
- Reply
Brian; "Wait up, Peter, I'm going with You, just let me pack My Bags!"
Brian; "Wait up, Peter, I'm going with You, just let me pack My Bags!"