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Anonymous1: Looks like the Grinch stole more then Christmas.
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Anonymous2: Pandora's box that's not shota?
My God!
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Anonymous3(1): Wasn't she only like 2 years old in the movie?
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Cruise_Control_Anon: No, she wasn't. Depending on which movie you're talking about, the cartoon movie would probably have her age around 5, whereas the live action movie probably placed her age around 8 or 9.
Though, this doesn't matter on this kind of site, because aging characters is fairly commonplace here.
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Electric-Wizard: You're a mean one Mr. Grinch.
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dancestar: I thought it was the woman from the movie that he's in love with.
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Amun-Ra: Honestly, I hated the live-action movie.

It wasn't in the usual Dr. Suss style, and they fucked all this shit up just so they could make it as long as a real movie.
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Anonymous4: No, Cruise Cotrol Anon you are wrong It says "Cindy Lou Who, who was no more than two"
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Anonymous5: Well obviously this isn't the first time he's stolen christmas. Judgeing by her apparent age, I'd say this is about the... idk 30th?
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2-D: That isn't cindy anyways.
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Anonymous6: Yeah, it aint cindy, and i thought the live-action movie was pretty good. Jim Carrey did a good job... It's the mayors "girlfriend". The picture is based off of the movie, even though it's not part of the real story line.
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Htoonlover: ^anon6 are you sure, i thought i distinctly remember that part of the movie, oh well. but ya i had a vast majority of problems with the movie too.

Also, its Martha May Whovier not Cindy Lou Who.
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LadyStardust: Didn't that live action Grinch movie save Jim Carrey's career after the whole "Cable Guy" thing?
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Anonymous7: That screwed his career? I thought that movie was cool.
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coupons: How da Grich stoled my virginity?
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Anonymous8: there's a light that wont light on one side
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Urbane_Guerrilla: ...So I'll fix it up *there* and I'll put it in *here.*
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Anonymous9: She was 2 in the original story
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ANnONYingMOUSe: "you're as cuddly as a cactus."
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Anonymous11: "-You're as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch."
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Anonymous12: you guys are idiots you thinck that we girls are toys that can just be fucked you are wrong.
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Scanner: Anon12, you fail at spelling. Very unsexy. I wouldn't fuck you with a 39 and a half foot pole.
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MrAnon: To anon12: Sorry to state the ovious, but this is a perverse site. Thoughts of morality do not really exist here unless it's a porn that's debate-able. Plus isn't girls who WANT to fuck the best to do? Unless it's some shy stuff? Then that's loli teratory.

Grinch finally got what HE wanted for xxx-mas.
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Shock_Headed_Penor: How the Grinch got his groove back.
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Anonymous13: I wanna suck his green meaty Dick!!!!
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Anonymous14: Martha makes me horny as fuck
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Anonymous15: Why the fuck is this like, the only godamn porn of the live action movie

what about this character when she was in school? holy fuckballs somebody get on that shit.
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Anonymous16: Scanner: Lols you win epicly I would say
Btw wuh teh fuk wer you guys thinking in saying this is Cindy?!
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Anonymous17: It's Martha may whovier not Cindy...
For fuck sake
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Anonymous18: Why not "How the Grinch Sucked Chris Off?"

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