Anonymous5: danish? hmm...Gemshkum!! GUDESGHELEEAAR!! JESGH SIEEAAA SGAANUMNUSGHAAGHUM...SGE? AAAAH SYGGLEKULLER!! KAMELLASA!!! go search "danish language" on youtube!!! (ok...actually this is not "real" just nonsense jibberish spoken in the video)
Anonymous9: omfg wet thing!!!!!11!!!1111!!oneone
fax!!11 its hell time furfags yay
anon2 its no disney its yiffing furryes
anon7 nice, new move, more porno material =)
Anonymous11: wait howd it get in his hand and if her vag is full of it y is she lauging? must kill sensless danish koala and fox things must burn their fur and skin and flesh and bones and then drink their blood and dance upon their ashes as we sacrafice more furriesAAAAHHHHHH HAAHHAAHAAHAHAHAHAAHH HAAHHAAHAH AHA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! (pant) (pant) (pant).... arse ahem *sniff* any way uh I came _-_Lol at Calvin McMurray moment above.
go hand in hand like
ice and tea
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Yet another reason hell seems like an appealing place to be.
fax!!11 its hell time furfags yay
anon2 its no disney its yiffing furryes
anon7 nice, new move, more porno material =)
Now, several years later, this really made me go awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :)
Rita: "teeheehee"
Rita: LOLZ
I couldn't resist.
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