Please read our Rules and continue to report content that violates our rules on underage content. UploaderJeb, June 16, 2007; 17:14TagsCtrl+Alt+Del, Ethan_MacManus, Lilah_MacManus, The_Super_Unknown, webcomicSource LinkUnknownLockedNoInfo477x583 // 166KB // jpg August 31, 2007; 22:01 - Reply Anonymous1: MOAT PLZ! August 31, 2007; 22:02 - Reply Anonymous2(1): MOAR* August 31, 2007; 22:06 - Reply Kharnov: September 1, 2007; 22:11 - Reply Anonymous3: 8^U September 2, 2007; 08:11 - Reply Kharnov: YOU ASKED FOR A MOAT, OKAY. September 28, 2007; 20:25 - Reply Anonymous4: GOD, is nothing free from the wrath of rule 34/35? September 28, 2007; 21:02 - Reply Anonymous5: Nope... November 1, 2007; 03:26 - Reply Anonymous6: this seriously needs more November 1, 2007; 03:28 - Reply Anonymous7: Rofl, i've just been reading Ctrl+Alt+Del January 24, 2008; 00:11 - Reply Anonymous8: B^U May 11, 2008; 05:10 - Reply Anonymous9: MOAT PLZ May 11, 2008; 05:11 - Reply Pitch: Would you like it filled with crocodiles? Should the water be stagnant or fresh? All must be considered in moat building. May 11, 2008; 05:17 - Reply evilpika: It depends on who you want to keep out. The Black Knight can't swim so any moat will do. Mongols you'll definetly need crocodiles for. We've also had some luck with moats filled with irritable hippos... May 11, 2008; 05:18 - Reply Pitch: Ah, but Hippos are a bit harder to come by. Plus they just don't have the sentimentality of crocodiles. May 11, 2008; 05:21 - Reply evilpika: Yes, but crocodiles only attack when they're hungry, hippos will attack just for the hell of it. May 11, 2008; 05:21 - Reply Rule34d: ^They attack for the lulz May 11, 2008; 05:22 - Reply Cerebrate_Fate: Pink cum. What the fuck? May 11, 2008; 05:23 - Reply som: It's cherry flavored. May 11, 2008; 05:23 - Reply Rule34d: mmmm May 11, 2008; 05:24 - Reply Cerebrate_Fate: NO! ITS STRAWBERRY! May 11, 2008; 05:25 - Reply Cerebrate_Fate: Cherry is red and sorry for dbl post. June 13, 2008; 18:24 - Reply Anonymous10: More ctrl-alt-del June 14, 2008; 04:58 - Reply Cat_Bountry: In b4 miscarriage. April 9, 2009; 13:29 - Reply Anonymous11: in during miscarriage August 14, 2009; 16:12 - Reply Anonymous12: This guy should do more, perhaps some cow girl or just Lilah by herself... without a man's ass taking up half the shot. Report an ad?
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