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TagsRibnose, Shenzi, The_Lion_King
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cyberbat: you know I'm sorry to say this but. FEMALE HYENAS HAVE DON'T HAVE NORMAL LOOKING VAGINAs.

Ever see an animal doco? they actually have 'fake' penis (an elongated clit) because of the huge amount of testosterone they produce. Mating is very difficult, not to mention giving birth!

not that I really care, I just though that fact was rather interesting.
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MR_Furry: have you ever heard of furrys?
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aso: Any furry who takes time out to carefully examine and create drawings of realistic-looking animal genitalia crosses that thin line that exists between furry and bestiality, sez I.
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cyberbat: I thought furry's and beastiality was the same thing? only the animals had human legs.
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aso: I try to give furries the benefit of the doubt if only because I'm foolishly optimistic.

You're probably right, though.
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Synonymous_Red_X: Bestiality is the act of a human having sex with an animal, NOT animals having human legs.
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cyberbat: I was talking about furrys not bestiality.
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RocketLawnchair: Well lolis is to pedos like yiff is to furrys right?

Keeps some off the heavy stuff and within the law?
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ACCO: lol rocket, most of the furries don't come from real animal love, they come from watching too many anthromophic cartoon animals on TV during childhood.
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pomponio: @Rocket: Don't you mean Lilis is to pedos like Yiff is to bestiality?
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RocketLawnchair: Uhh...No because yiff and bestiality are different?

pedo's enjoy loli whereas furrys enjoy yiff.
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pomponio: Well, many loli-addicts would say that they're not pedos just because lolis aren't real

Also, i thought all furries were into yiff
(i'm like 20% furry myself)
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RocketLawnchair: Wait, didn't I say furries were into yiff?

...I'm confuzzled.
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pomponio: Uhmmm... *reads above post*

Yeah, you did, but i think all furries admit being into yiff, while 99% of loli-addicts deny being pedos
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evilpika: Furries: Now with percentage labels!

Seriously though, people who are furries aren't using it as an outlet for attraction to real animals, it's a completely different fetish.
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RocketLawnchair: Well sure they can "deny" it as much as they like...


....Now to just wait for the shitstorm...
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pomponio: @evilpika: True... if what i said was true, then i'd be most likely a zoo O__O

@Rocket: haha *opens a bag of popcorn* PROCEED
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Thatoneguy: *steps away from the storm*
*puts on galoshes and other rain gear*
*takes out umbrella*
*moves under a covered shelter*
*sits on top of the table/bench thing*(On the table part)
I ain't taking no chances*
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Thatoneguy: *at least, not with shitstorms
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An_Onymous: What evilpika said, and considering that most of the anthro characters featured in teh delicious furfaggotry are really over 90% human in terms of how their physiology actually works when you get below the skin (e.g. how they move, how they manipulate objects, how they speak, etc.), and 99-100% human in terms of how their minds work (with VERY rare exceptions, not only are they sapient but there is no way in which their minds work differently from humans'), I'd say that sexual fantasies about such imaginary creatures are much more like fantasies about humans than they are like fantasies about non-human animals, even animals close to humans like chimpanzees. Anthros can largely be considered cosmetically altered humans, with the occasional non-human power added (abilities are almost never *subtracted* by those who design these creatures).
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An_Onymous: Also, regarding the hyena genital anatomy problem: The masculinized genital anatomy is actually only a feature of the spotted hyena, not of all hyena species.
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Tintin: So most furry porn is actually fursuiter porn, I gather?
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An_Onymous: @Tintin: Only if you want to treat "having a non-human exterior physiology with a few selected non-human features extending deeper than that" a kind of fursuiting. :)

I must amend what I said about hyena anatomy: While what I said is true, Shenzi & co. are modeled after spotted hyenas, so the fucked-up genital anatomy would apply in their case if one were to adapt that bit straight from the model animal.
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Tintin: @Ony: Fuck yeah. I consider playboy bunnies fursuiters. Those sick fucks.
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An_Onymous: lol
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Tintin: I'm serious! It's gateway furry.
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evilpika: I can only imagine how Hugh Hefner would respond to that.
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Deadpool: ^dam there goes my outfit 4 playgirl magazine, DAME U FURRIES foil'd me again
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Jeb: I'm not sure what the meat of this conversation contains but from the most recent posts I would like to state that, from experience, costume sex is among the hottest you can have.
Case closed.
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pomponio: Does that include fursuits? :D
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Jeb: no.
kill yourself.
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An_Onymous: Y'know, to be terribly honest I've never really had any interest in fursuits. They strike me as comical, but not sexy.

Now, latex suits I could see being yummy...
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pomponio: D:
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pomponio: @Ony: Same here, but i actually find them creepy. I was just kidding
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aso: lol

Also, fursuits are fucking scary. Have yet to see an exception to that rule.
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Deadpool: whoever finds Fursuits sexy, must get a real kick when there at DisneyLand
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An_Onymous: Ah.
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Tintin: @DP: Or sporting events.
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An_Onymous: (The "Ah" was @pomponio.)

@Tintin: Lawl @ fursuit fetishists wanking to, say, the Mariner Moose.
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Jeb: not unlike a few of our users I'm sure
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Gremrat: Hyenas are the one thing I WANT to see dickgirls of.
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Mudkip: That's a clam, not a vagina. Why are you all arguing?
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anomalous: Gremrat - fchan lst column
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Gremrat: anomalous: I actually knew about Fchan before I found 34 >__> Thanks, though :3
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anomalous: yeah, i figured
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Jeb: Mudkip is correct.
that their is a Cloyster
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An_Onymous: Hmm... shitstorm seems to have been inadvertently averted by way of subject change.
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Jeb: *there
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evilpika: BEWARE OF HYENA-CLAM: Now there's a sign that'll keep the neighbor kids out of your yard.
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Krawczyk: PUSH BUTAN
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Sir_Anon5: I hate how hot this looks.
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Anonymous1: If anyone's looking for me in the next couple of days, my face will be wedged in between these buttcheeks like someone SuperGlued it there.
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ChaosWolf: I demand hyena girldick.
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Anonymous2: omfg, will the lulz ever end
holy crap that is like the first time iv learned somthing since grade10
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Anonymous3: No it isn't.
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Anonymous4: Fail for clamvagina. Otherwise good.
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Anonymous5: ...what the fuck is a loli?
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Anonymous6: lolita/lolicon. wikipediaIsYourFriend.
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Anonymous7(6): i'd give that a good licking!
but wrong type of loli.
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Anonymous8: Holy shit! Pretty philosophical discussion for hyena cooter.
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Shock_Headed_Penor: That clam has gone bad. Ptomaine ocean butt-cherries on the half shell.
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Anonymous9: Tight pink asshole. Must be probed deeply with my tongue!
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Anonymous10: loli is short for lolita not lollipop you fucking scrub
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Anonymous11: ^ Can't tell if trolling, or just very stupid...
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Anonymous12: Bestiality, furry.. does it really matter? Either way you're fapping to animals
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Anonymous13: very fucking sexy i always loved Shenzi :)
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ifuckwowsluts: love to lick her asshole and fuck her pussy so good and deep

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