Leonidas: Don't you people know anything about dickgirls and general human anatomy?
Eureka is obviously doesn't have testicles in this pic. The thing about ball-less dickgirls is they can not produce semen. So what you are seeing is the redirection of the milk that her breasts would secrete after having a baby. Testicle-less dickgirls feed their babies through their penises (or is that penii?). It is something nature did to make the penis have a function since they can not make other girls pregnant.
Now, if she did have testicles, then yes that would be semen. A whole lot of semen. A shipload of semen. (badump-psh) Both types of dickgirls can get pregnant. It's just that dickgirls with balls feed their babies normally with their breasts.
There is a third type of dickgirl called the DTiberius. That kind can not get pregnant because their female genitalia is completely replaced by male naughty bits. Rather than having breasts, penis, possible testicles, vagina, and asshole; they have boobies, PENUS, coin purse, and pooper.
Anonymous2: I HATE dickgirls who still have vaginas. ITS LAME! they live for cum cocks and assholes and the though of how it would actually feel to be fucked there is really unapealing.
Anonymous7: a futa is just a girl with a penis, even if she has balls or not, it can have both.
a dick girl is a girl with a dick same as futa but more of a derogatory term.
a shemale is a woman born with a penis and no vagina, balls or not.
a tranny has a womanly look but has a penis and balls.
but you don't have to take my word for it, look it up. none are required to have balls, ecept a tranny...yuck. and none are required to have a vagoo acually its expected that they don't...man i spent way to much time in /d/
Anonymous9: < not anon 6 he is lame. A futa by any other name is the same exact same thing. a futa without balls is the female of her kind - no balls makes her a woman just born with a dick. a futa with balls was once a man who threw extreamly sophisticated skin grafts and hormones looks exactly like a woman and is in all essence one...with a dick.
Wether or not said futa has a vagoo or not is compleatly up to the artist as I have seen them on futas with and without balls.
Anonymous11: shemales dont have pussys they have balls and they can get girls pregent trust me because i am one and i got 2 girls pregent last year that fucken shit was great
Anonymous19: So do Dick-girls without balls feed them childs with them dick instead of breasts? Whouldnt that be against the law? Let a small child suck your dick even its not for the purpose of satisfication and only to feed them. And even it whould not be against the law, still there is the point that the child sucks the dick, so whouldnt it couse trauma to the child?
MuchKoku: No, it's definitely cum. If it were milk, it would be way past expiration because it's fucking oozing down the sides of the glass. Only rotten milk or cum would do that. Either way...I would not advise drinking that.
Anonymous21: Thanks, Leonidas! I was confused by how some dickgirls (human and furries) have testicles and some don't. I just assumed that they ejaculated semen. This does help to clarify the situation.
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Eureka is obviously doesn't have testicles in this pic. The thing about ball-less dickgirls is they can not produce semen. So what you are seeing is the redirection of the milk that her breasts would secrete after having a baby. Testicle-less dickgirls feed their babies through their penises (or is that penii?). It is something nature did to make the penis have a function since they can not make other girls pregnant.
Now, if she did have testicles, then yes that would be semen. A whole lot of semen. A shipload of semen. (badump-psh) Both types of dickgirls can get pregnant. It's just that dickgirls with balls feed their babies normally with their breasts.
There is a third type of dickgirl called the DTiberius. That kind can not get pregnant because their female genitalia is completely replaced by male naughty bits. Rather than having breasts, penis, possible testicles, vagina, and asshole; they have boobies, PENUS, coin purse, and pooper.
So remember people:
Testicles = Semen
No Testicles = Milk
This has been Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom.
And knowing is half the battle!
GO G.I. JOE!!!!!!
A dickgirl needs a vagina to be a dick-'girl'.
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Most people agree with me.
and NO ONE likes a tranny here
a dick girl is a girl with a dick same as futa but more of a derogatory term.
a shemale is a woman born with a penis and no vagina, balls or not.
a tranny has a womanly look but has a penis and balls.
but you don't have to take my word for it, look it up. none are required to have balls, ecept a tranny...yuck. and none are required to have a vagoo acually its expected that they don't...man i spent way to much time in /d/
Wether or not said futa has a vagoo or not is compleatly up to the artist as I have seen them on futas with and without balls.
Technically, only sperm is produced in the testicles. Semen (the fluid in which the sperm swim) is produced in the prostate.
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Maeter- Mama, give us mooore!
Eureka- Do I have to keep cumming?
Maeter - More, mama!