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Anonymous1: HOT! Can't wait for this movie
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Pyroanon: The movie isn't even out yet, and TH-GIMPnoob has already made some hotness for it? Win.
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Anonymous2: Mamacita!!
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Anonymous3(2): You're damn hot mamacita!!!!
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Anonymous4: Do one on the kid version of her
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Anonymous5: I'd love to see more
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Anonymous6: its weird that there is only one pic of maria and so many of la muerte, so you should make more if maria.
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Anonymous7: Please god no more creepy girl. Please more of this and less weird monster girl thing
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Anonymous8: you really are the best 3d editor usually don't see too many around that are good and canny as you
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TH-GIMPnoob: :)
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Anonymous9: make somme more nude pic, i can't wait for it