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TagsAce_Attorney, Maya_Fey, Mia_Fey, Miles_Edgeworth, Pearl_Fey, Phoenix_Wright, Rule_63, VG_Cats, judge, webcomic
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Info692x1173 // 575KB // jpg
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Jeb: < 3 seconds in ms paint.
well done.
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Anonymous1: Oh God. Why did they give everyone boobs?
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Jax: Is this rule 63 or not?
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evilpika: This is yet another disturbing universe.
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RocketLawnchair: NO JUDGE! NO!
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Anonymous2: lol at last panel
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Anonymous3: VG CATS FTW :)

the first person (Mia) has really big boobs in the game :P
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Jax: Captain Obvious, what are you doing here?
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Anonymous4: *waits until someone makes fan art of meteor-titties Pearl*
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Freezer: 5000 hrs in MS Paint.
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Rule34d: Dammit jax! you beat me!
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Anonymous5: why did he take out a panel? and how gould he screw up the last boobs so badly? (latest vg cats #254)
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Anonymous6: Sucky edit sucks cock.
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Anonymous7: OMFG
The last one is SO hilarious.
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Gremrat: Jax, you ROCK.

On a side note, does anyone know wtf was up with the boob-growing black dots on their faces?
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Jax: Mia has a mole and big boobs, therefore, everyone should have a mole and big boobs!
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Duck: LOVE
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Ruke: no aeris sez?
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Anonymous8: OBJECTION!
VG Cats isn't funny.
In fact, VG Cats sucks dick! Your Honor, I have all the evidence I need in the pictures on this website!
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Big_Black_Dick: OVERRULED!
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Anonymous9: Overruled, and the objectioner is to be executred, immediately.
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Anonymous10: Now I finally understand the name "Justice for all"
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Captain__Obvious: I'm here because I need to be, Jax.
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Anonymous11: Thats not Mia, its Maya. Right?
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spaztron: ಠ_ಠ
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Anonymous12: Naw, its Mia
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Anonymous13: is that....... the judge? O.o fuck you internet, fuck you >_<
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Anonymous14: This is indeed a disturbing universe. *Goes back to sucking on his pacifier.*
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M1dna: the judge's boobs scarred me for life 0.o
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Anonymous15: ew... Ew... EW!!!!!
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DaDark1: For people who don't quite get what's going on... Mia is a ghost who possesses her sister from time to time. When possessed, her sister gains big boobs and a mole on her face, just like Mia had. The point of this comic is that Mia is jumping into everyone's body. Thus, boobs and a mole.
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masterofpirates: This is a million times funnier than VG cats could ever be
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UglyNarcissist: No, the point is that Phoenix never wins until he gets powered up by the sight of big breasts (generally Mia's).
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Anonymous16: It's the incredible "bearded woman"!
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Anonymous17: what? What? WHAT? THE? FUCK?
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Anonymous18: Am I the only one who finds Edgeworth's expression hilarious?
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Anonymous19: @Anon18 Nope!
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Anonymous20: This is edited the original one is just showing there cleavage

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