Anonymous3: I will admit that once I first saw Ben10 Alien Force episodes I thought she looked kind of like Kim too, but it is actually the new older Gwen. Besides if you look carefully you can see the names of the characters as Ben + GWEN not Kim. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Anonymous6: Yooooo daaaaawg, i heard that you and your dawg like yo-yos so I put your dawg in a yo-yo so you can yo-yo your dawg while your yo-yoing dawg...yo! FTW
Anonymous9: He wrote Ben + Gwen because he couldnt even realise its Kim.While Gwen was busy in Kevin's garage naked and getting pounded by the real man Kevin.
Anonymous10(9): You are right Anon9.Also Kim is wearing some cat panty which looks like a ripoff from Gwen's shirt in her younger days.Everybody knows teen Gwen wears a white or black panty.Only Kevin fucks Gwen.
Anonymous11(9): Ben is such a looser.Only thinking about fucking.Maybe his dumbass girlfriend Julie is getting fucked by her alien pet Ship right now.While Kevin is the real man whose dick and heart belongs to Gwen only.And Gwen the real girl who gives herself only to Kevin.
And i Still love them both...