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Uploader-JeZ-, avatar
TagsDigimon, Gatomon, Leo, VG_Cats, webcomic
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Info3396x1583 // 267KB // jpg
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-JeZ-: I only had a ballpoint pen to do this... so no repairing the mistakes.... no guidelines.. and I dont usually draw anything..
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Anonymous1: Hey, 34 is 34. You did well enough!
But... Why not try something more obscure? We have alot of this!
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Anonymous2: And if this is what you turn out then please stop drawing.

And stop abusing ellipsis!
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Anonymous3: Anon 2, get the goddamn stick out your ass. Can you do any better? Step up.
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Jeb: You obviously spent more time with it than I would have bothered for anything 34 I've produced.
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som: Best artist on Paheal: JeZ or VeZ? The debate rages on...
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Anonymous4: It's pretty good. WAY better than anything I could do. Now have him stick it in her pooper next. :P
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som: OPS! I meant ReZ....
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An_Onymous: While I could almost certainly do this better, I'm currently feeling way too lazy, and I'm not particularly interested in these subjects anyway. Sooner or later, though, I suppose I should probably upload at least one sample of my fail to this place.

@#2: I've said this many times before around here, but there's really no good reason to say that someone can't criticize something because they cannot improve upon it using their own skillz. To use my traditional example, I can recognize very easily if something is wrong with my car, but I sure as hell can't repair, let alone build, a car. This does not mean that I should ignore my perception that something is wrong.
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Krulin: To An Onymous, true, but your car, and skill in drawing are two different things
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-JeZ-: is 5 to 10 minutes too long to make this?
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pomponio: 10 minutes?! Wow... Don't rush it next time

That was pretty good. Judging by the lack of mistakes, i'd say you have some experience drawing Gatomon, amirite?
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Anonymous5: Funny how the only thing that looks good in this picture, looks exactly like the bottom left panel in this comic:
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pomponio: >>111595
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pomponio: LOL

Well, she didn't trace it (unless she printed the other pic and traced it IRL)
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pomponio: Confirmed, she traced it.

I pasted the Palcomix pic over it with 50% of transparency and it matched perfectly, even the bed folds.
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Jeb: I'd usually say "so what?", but that's pretty bad if it match's 101%

that said this isn't devianTART, and regardless of this fact I can only assume that people will bawww at it at some point; even given that most of the user-base wouldn't necessarily consider themselves artists.
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pomponio: Well, not the tail. Though i would've been priceless if she had traced it
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Rule34d: gurgle gurgle gurgle
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Rule34d: die in a fire gurgle gurgle gurgle
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Krawczyk: Aeris Sez: YOUR PENIS IS FUNNY
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Rule34d: gurgle gurgle gurgle Go fuck yourself you 0 day old come back when your at least 3 days old gurgle gurgle gurgle
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Rule34d: gurgle gurgle gurgle gurgle jk just use a penislegurgle gurgle gurgle
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Anonymous6: -JeZ- fails.
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-JeZ-: woohoooooo I FAIL!

...i'm so happy...

...but the cake is a lie...

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