Anonymous1: @MV: That just makes us white people sound like a bunch of spoiled, half-retarded, over coddled, idiots. Since clearly this isn't an issue with the majority of non-whites who fap to erotic western art. Which has white cocks almost 99.9% of the time. The few pics with non-white dicks cause mini-mental breakdowns, "Race Warz", and cause recolors. SMH.
Anonymous2(1): @Juni221: Where's the complaining? As a matter of fact, the overwhelming amount of complaining in general is from white guys, when it's a black dick. Across everything, and regardless of the depiction of the black guy. Sure there might be an outlier, of a lack of complaints with a canon black character, like those terribly done Miles edits. But notice how there's almost no complaints in general when there's one of our white dicks? Despite the fact that everyone likes erotic art.
Anonymous3: Nicki Minaj is an illuminati demon according to research studies of some YouTubers, for example:
So being slightly black is the least of her problems.
Anonymous4: Ok, what's with all the cuckolds here, are you mother fucking crackers serious Do you really want to have your women abuse and use by the attractive and successful Africans, I'm not even White and I have more sense than yall attractive and successful African lovers here. I like the fact that people who don't prefer attractive and successful African on human sex(whether white or non-attractive and successful African race) are call insecure idiots, have you attractive and successful African lovers look in the mirror lately, have you live with these ugly beasts? No,I have and they're just like those British Broadcasting Corporation porn minus the British Broadcasting Corporation porno. Hilter was right, he should have won WW2 and this is coming from a non-white guy and btw, they're not overreacting over a non-white dick, they don't mind what race it is or animal, as long as it's not the attractive and successful African.
GrandMasterBellicheck: Mad white phaggots are fucking pathetic. "Omfg its a black dick Iccan't fap now!" If you don't like the fact that the guy makes interracial art then go look somewhere else for hentai. 97% of hentai is white dicks. Since you phags care about dicks so can fap to all the dicks you want faggots
Anonymous9: All of you dumb ass cum eating whores can go have anal sex woth your dads especially those retarded cunts with autism who believe in an illuminati. Cunts.
Anonymous10: What the fuck? I bet 90% of you are not even black. You people are defending someone who not only doesn't even exist, but most likely wouldn't give a shit about you.
Anonymous11(10): Have you all ever thought that maybe the reason why "99%" of hentai people are white is because the artist are white themselves? How about you stupid fucks gain some talent that don't involve crime or shitty music, then maybe you might see more black art; instead of bitching about a fucking re-skin. Otherwise just deal with it.
Anonymous12(10): Have you all ever thought that maybe the reason why "99%" of hentai people are white is because the artist are white themselves? How about instead of bitching about a fucking re-skin, you cry baby nigers gain some talent that doesn't involve crime or shitty music, then maybe you might see more black art. Otherwise just deal with it.
Anonymous14: It fucking astounds me that people can't comprehend the fact that certain people are attracted to certain skin colors. It has nothing to do with racism.
Anonymous15: My point of view as a WHITE person isnt omg its a black cock its more I try to imagine its me and a black cock makes it harder to imagine so FTW
Anonymous16: @Anonymous: The same could be said of whites whining about art with blacks. Pot calling kettle black.
Anonymous15, understands, I think this is how everyone feels, black white, whatever. We've all got to stop being so damn butthurt over drawn comic naughties-
Anonymous17: Don't care. Just as long as this bitch is getting her enormous ass put to good use. Rmbr your priorities, guys-of-all-races, making sure sluts get abused appropriately!
Anonymous21: @Anonymous: There is a difference between being attracted to it and using stereotypes to make all races look bad by merely existing.
When is the last time kenny 'drew' (and I use that term as loosely as possible.) a medium dicked black? A small dicked black? Here's a new one. A big dicked black that is intelligent? (Contrary to popular belief the two traits are not incompatible.)
If this was truly about being interracial there would be any of these things. But no. Thug black and stupid are the only thing that get kenny's tinny dick hard.
Anonymous22: There's an artist that edits white dicks into black ones. But anyway WHY the fuck does it fucking matter? It's just porn you faggots. Are you seriously gonna get offended by that?? Lmao.
PornBot: I hater interracial porn since it's always some sterotypical black group who swagger around making comments about how the female in question is gonna get destroyed, like yep nothings gets me off like imagining women being in pain. You'd have to be a psycho to enjoy it.
Anonymous29: Fucking attractive and successful Africans stopping the whites from taking control. All women should belong to the whites. White is superior.
Anonymous31: This shit needs to be flagged down, fuck this edit for these racist caveapes to fap to a black woman. There should be NO edits of black dicks to white dicks since 99 percent of hentai features white dicks. Id bash the skull in of the racist who edited this pic to let these no-pussy getting incel neckbeard white boys to fap off too. FUck you
Anonymous32: @Anonymous: Yet you don’t complain when a white dick is edited to black you fucking racist hypocrite, can I bash your skull in. Plus according to some interracial logic. Black(most of it is actually brown) goes with white. So according to interracial logic, since the girl is black, she should be taking white dicks.
Anonymous33(32): @Anonymous: Well according to interracial logic black goes with white, and this chick is white so to the interracial logic it should be white dicks on this black girl.
Anonymous34(32): @Anonymous: Well in reality that isn’t true. Also your ignoring other races like Asians, Indians, Hispanics, and native americans.(since native americans were like Africans in there life style. Native Americans have almost as big of dicks as Africans, because of there lifestyles. That’s why African Americans have smaller dicks then African people in Congo because black people there have a primitive lifestyle food mixed with modern times.)
Anonymous35(32): @Juni221: Canon black characters don’t get complaints that much unless there making the white girl say “black cocks are superior” and “attractive and successful African dick is the best put a black baby/niglet in me”. Since most British Broadcasting Corporation fetish videos, drawings, and comments say that.
Anonymous37: The one with the black dicks looks better, it has a more visceral visually appetizing impact as most of your black dicks look. I learnt to truly appreciate giant black dicks from u (@kennycomix) due to your beautiful art.
Anonymous38: The world's largest penis is actually a Mexican guy followed by a white dude.
As per the Guinness World records, the guy with the smallest penis is in contest between an Chinese man named Wei Lin and a white American man named Mike Carson.
"A Miami man, Mike Carson, has been officially recognized by Guinness World Records for having the smallest penis. According to Carson and his doctors, his fully-functioning penis is only 1/16th of an inch, the smallest for a fully-grown, adult male."
Research also states that white men and asians men have the highest cases of micro-penis inflictions.
Research also states that the single race with the biggest penises on average are black men.... there are also black small penises but these are fewest amongst them.
Asian men have the smallest penises on average... There are some big Asian penises, but they are very few.
The Largest consumers and leading target market of penis enlargement products and services are white men.
Asian men despite having smallest penises on average do not have the high level of sexual and/or genital insecurities as white men.
You would think being a billionaire should give anyone enough confidence in their sex life....well, not for some (not all) white men billionaires.
Sexual prowess & size of penis does NOT equate to racial supremacy especially in this day and age where the advancement in medicine and surgery, anyone can get a Titanic dick.
To me, We are all just different people co-existing together and trying to appreciating each other.
Azumi: @Anonymous:
And bitching on old-ass discussions don't give you no moral highround, and FYI, this your typical marxist black penis fetishist:
The cherry in the cake is that they don't see blacks as people, but as animals, givin them names such as "bull" or "spade". Just like in kike-peddled interracial porn, the role of the black is relegated to that of an 'exotic craving', a 'wild animal' full of impulse. Never given a name, never given a personality, never given self agency.
Proving that in the end, the most racist kind of people are the ones that keeps promoting multiculturalism: The Jew.Who also killed that conservative baptist reverend in the late 60's.
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Something something racist whiteys, afraid of dark skin something something.
Maybe we just like to envision it as us in the porn and it's harder to do if it's a black dick since we're not black?
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Inb4: "attractive and successful African Lover".
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So being slightly black is the least of her problems.
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A+ edit man
Anonymous15, understands, I think this is how everyone feels, black white, whatever. We've all got to stop being so damn butthurt over drawn comic naughties-
Stop expecting"Whitey" to do shit for you... Times are changing, attractive and successful Africans.
Stop expecting "Whitey" to do shit for you... Times are changing, attractive and successful Africans.
When is the last time kenny 'drew' (and I use that term as loosely as possible.) a medium dicked black? A small dicked black? Here's a new one. A big dicked black that is intelligent? (Contrary to popular belief the two traits are not incompatible.)
If this was truly about being interracial there would be any of these things. But no. Thug black and stupid are the only thing that get kenny's tinny dick hard.
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As per the Guinness World records, the guy with the smallest penis is in contest between an Chinese man named Wei Lin and a white American man named Mike Carson.
"A Miami man, Mike Carson, has been officially recognized by Guinness World Records for having the smallest penis. According to Carson and his doctors, his fully-functioning penis is only 1/16th of an inch, the smallest for a fully-grown, adult male."
Research also states that white men and asians men have the highest cases of micro-penis inflictions.
Research also states that the single race with the biggest penises on average are black men.... there are also black small penises but these are fewest amongst them.
Asian men have the smallest penises on average... There are some big Asian penises, but they are very few.
The Largest consumers and leading target market of penis enlargement products and services are white men.
Asian men despite having smallest penises on average do not have the high level of sexual and/or genital insecurities as white men.
You would think being a billionaire should give anyone enough confidence in their sex life....well, not for some (not all) white men billionaires.
Sexual prowess & size of penis does NOT equate to racial supremacy especially in this day and age where the advancement in medicine and surgery, anyone can get a Titanic dick.
To me, We are all just different people co-existing together and trying to appreciating each other.
Just wanted to share that with you guys.
- Reply
And bitching on old-ass discussions don't give you no moral highround, and FYI, this your typical marxist black penis fetishist:
The cherry in the cake is that they don't see blacks as people, but as animals, givin them names such as "bull" or "spade". Just like in kike-peddled interracial porn, the role of the black is relegated to that of an 'exotic craving', a 'wild animal' full of impulse. Never given a name, never given a personality, never given self agency.
Proving that in the end, the most racist kind of people are the ones that keeps promoting multiculturalism: The Jew. Who also killed that conservative baptist reverend in the late 60's.