Anonymous1: Kazane: Not bad Takamiya... you if you want, we can do this next I'm free which is... tomorrow... and the after that... And the week after that... And the month after that... And the next 3 years after that................... on second thought, we can do this any time your horny..... Or you can live here, that i'll make things easier. Hell if you want I can just marry you. Right here. Right now!
Takamiya: Um-
Kazane: To late!
Kazane tells him as she pulls him in a bear hug with her legs crossed over waist. trapping him in a really embarrassing pose... but she doesn't care!
Takamiya: Um-
Kazane: To late!
Kazane tells him as she pulls him in a bear hug with her legs crossed over waist. trapping him in a really embarrassing pose... but she doesn't care!