Anonymous2: I wish to state that since the "upgrade" in this website's operating system, I've been having real problems. (1)Often I can't get out of a file and have to restart Internet, (2) a picture won't load, or (3)a picture can not be copied to my picture collection. (4) a few comments wouldn't "post" either.
I found this website while trying to find the "Seville Library" which went down in May.
Anonymous3(2): Mr. "Big Black Dick" obviously posted the above at 9 a.m., 6-19-'08, right after I made a quite legilimate complaint about the buggy "operating system". Other websites don't give me this grief. I may forego further efforts with it and its confused search engine and take out the "xxx" from my "favorites" file.
By the way - I am 63 and just forgot the urgent comment I was hasting to add. - Guess Who ??
o ya first
- Reply
We don't do that here, bub.
*runs away with angry mob close behind with shanks*
I found this website while trying to find the "Seville Library" which went down in May.
Is that all u anonymous ever do?
By the way - I am 63 and just forgot the urgent comment I was hasting to add. - Guess Who ??