Anonymous2: Second? she was severeley burned as a child. That IS her skin....your so rascist.. the heels on her prothstetic feet are used to reduce stress on her knees, since all of the skin on her joints melted together. its really a miracle that she can even move the way she does now. shes almost normal....*sigh*...almost.
Anonymous4(2): i proudly accept this theoretical medal, in honor of most intelligent comment on this site by an anon.*bows* than you all so much. id like to thank retro studios for making such a beautiful lady and nintendo for making super smash bros. brawl and exploiting her lady parts. and of course the devil i cant forget the devil for making me come to this site in the first place.. thats all thank you so much again..*bows*. goodnight.
Anonymous7(2): this is pedobear for your daily weather news.
Pedo:it seems that we will be getting severe thunder-storms with an elevated chance of tornadoes. *looks at prompter* all schools in the northwest regeion will be closed until the system passes. *runs to the nearest shelter*..... *waits*...................
Anonymous14: She wasn't burned as a child. The Zero suit is meant as an interface for Chozo technology. The guy who believes that burn bullshit is retarded.
Anonymous19: im not even sure which anon are and aren't anon 2.... im not... but its still a nice pic i wonder if u could do her with the suit on, sure looks like it
Pedo:it seems that we will be getting severe thunder-storms with an elevated chance of tornadoes. *looks at prompter* all schools in the northwest regeion will be closed until the system passes. *runs to the nearest shelter*..... *waits*...................
also, is that phazon on the ground coming from her?
Congrats anon 13, for letting the joke fly CLEAR over your head and for ruining what had the potential to be a great ongoing gag.