Worgenhard: Dammit Zac! At least let her put off the stove! You had the courtesy before of helping her put a bun in the oven! You should know how cooking works by now!
Oh well, you know how green kinetic force empowered bio weapon jellies can be ^^; But don't worry, as you can see once the suprrise wore off, Riven doesn't seem to be complaining much :3
Also is it just me, or does that bed look very comfy? :) Like, see how it puts a smile on Riven's face like that! Or is that because her hubby is about to rock her world with his size and shape adjustable rock hard cock? :D Oh well, either way she looks happy enough ;p
Part two like part one is courtesy of the awesome 約束の日Matt http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=50537995 from pixiv ^^
Oh well, you know how green kinetic force empowered bio weapon jellies can be ^^; But don't worry, as you can see once the suprrise wore off, Riven doesn't seem to be complaining much :3
Also is it just me, or does that bed look very comfy? :) Like, see how it puts a smile on Riven's face like that! Or is that because her hubby is about to rock her world with his size and shape adjustable rock hard cock? :D Oh well, either way she looks happy enough ;p
Part two like part one is courtesy of the awesome 約束の日Matt http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=50537995 from pixiv ^^