Anonymous1: Okayyyyyyyyy... dunno how this wasn't labeled with Mass Effect tag, but someone should fix that! Since I'm unregistered...
And of course, love the look of this pic, even if from the description on the site, I can't believe Shepard would pimp his Asari girls from the first two games (haven't played the third as of yet, but I'm sure there's an Asari in that too, if not Liara or Samara again). XD Also dunno why none of the ones posted by you Horsey have your name as a tag, from what I've seen. But I also hope once we see some spoilers perhaps for characters in the next Mass Effect game, we get sexy art by you of some of those too! ^^
And of course, love the look of this pic, even if from the description on the site, I can't believe Shepard would pimp his Asari girls from the first two games (haven't played the third as of yet, but I'm sure there's an Asari in that too, if not Liara or Samara again). XD Also dunno why none of the ones posted by you Horsey have your name as a tag, from what I've seen. But I also hope once we see some spoilers perhaps for characters in the next Mass Effect game, we get sexy art by you of some of those too! ^^