Please read our Rules and continue to report content that violates our rules on underage content. UploaderJeb, July 8, 2007; 17:16TagsApple, food, fruit, inanimateSource LinkUnknownLockedNoInfo600x514 // 132KB // jpg February 13, 2008; 21:51 - Reply SpaceMoose: 5/5 February 13, 2008; 21:53 - Reply DomPfaff: added the tag "food" February 13, 2008; 21:55 - Reply DomPfaff: and the tag "fruits" -.- August 12, 2008; 15:49 - Reply Anonymous1: EARMUFFS REQUIRED August 12, 2008; 16:17 - Reply Cat_Bountry: ^ You don't wanna know what happens if you don't wear them. September 6, 2012; 23:19 - Reply Anonymous2: Please don't tell me this is real! I know it isn't, Just....don't! August 4, 2014; 22:57 - Reply Anonymous3: "APPLESEX" It's...(Are Ya Ready?)..."HARDCORE!" Bwaaaaaaaa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaa, ha, ha, hee, hee, haa, ha, haaaaaa! Now, that Joke had "Ap_peel!" Report an ad?
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