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Anonymous1: Thats hot ;)
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Anonymous2: If it hurts so much, why does she keep on doing it?
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Anonymous3: ^ cause she loves whoever's looking at us.
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Anonymous4: wheres her gloves?
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Big_Black_Dick: She didnt want to get them wet
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frostie333: Why does she have a six-pack on her back?
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Kweh: It wants your soul.The six pack is for...Texture?
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Anonymous5: who says shes in pain? for all we know, she's screaming out in pleasure.
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Anonymous6: that is some angry looking pleasure..
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Anonymous7(5): heh, must be her first time. She just broke her own hymen.
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Anonymous8: That's just some back muscle, it does look strangely like a six pack though
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Anonymous9(8): Like to know who the artist is
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Anonymous10(8): I think we all do
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Anonymous11(8): It wasn't a question Anon10. See... no (?) I would like to know who the artist is for more... and you're right. We all probably do