lorik: Graboids hatch from the eggs...they eat then porduce shrickers..the shrickers eat till there is nothing left to eat the morph to ass-blasters..the ass blasters fly to find more food...eat till the pass out and end up getting killed by other preds they rot away leaving eggs which hatch more gariboids.
Anonymous8: It seems that the girl is a special mimickry, a part of the graboid (like lures on an angler fish)to make somebody think that there's somebody to rescue. That's why & how some man got guro'd. -Kimmy
CitizenP: In the scheme of things is this not unlike sex? Two creatures cuming togather to make a new life? Oh!, And why is the guy wearing a suit? Did he get dressed up to die? Is this a venus pervert trap? All this and more I dare to ask...
Anonymous21: That is one of the best fanarts I've seen for tremors. If it weren't for the lady growing out of his pie-hole this would be even more awesome.
C'mon! How often do you see graboids?
Anonymous33: uhh everyone who saying only females lay eggs, look at seahorses, the males lay eggs so if these tremors lay eggs you dont know if its a female or male. their are alot of male animals that lay eggs
Anonymous34: We need more porn of these. There's only one other picture, and I don't even know if this should count as porn. The developers themselves were going give them a membrane that they called foreskin as a joke and removed it due to their similarity to penises.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-
"At one point during the production, the graboid design featured a fleshy, retractable membrane which covered the head. Jokingly referred to as a "foreskin" by the production crew, the membrane was removed and replaced with the hard beak present on the final design to make it appear less phallic."
These things are just begging to be 34'ed, but there's only 2 pictures, one if you don't count this (I don't think it really classifies as "porn" as much as it does a "fetish"). I would draw some myself if I wasn't such a bad artist.
Anonymous35: Okay you are correct, in fact Personal home page is a open source and its help we can take free from any discussion board or site as it takes place here at this web page. meizitang http://www.superdrive.sk/Meizitang-Botanical-Slimming.htm
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Wait, does this mean they actually exist now?
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Nevertheless, it is AWESOME.
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Ohh yeah the wonders of the 34's nature :3
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Truely fucking awesome.
C'mon! How often do you see graboids?
Incidentially, it makes me think of a Tremors Videya Gaem.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-
"At one point during the production, the graboid design featured a fleshy, retractable membrane which covered the head. Jokingly referred to as a "foreskin" by the production crew, the membrane was removed and replaced with the hard beak present on the final design to make it appear less phallic."
These things are just begging to be 34'ed, but there's only 2 pictures, one if you don't count this (I don't think it really classifies as "porn" as much as it does a "fetish"). I would draw some myself if I wasn't such a bad artist.
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