Captain-Majestic: I remember this. I still have this kicking around somewhere on my old computer. First half of the video sucks, just Ranma walking around with hentai in the background. 2nd half isn't bad.
I got it from a LONG time ago, they took it down because too many people were downloading it and their bandwidth was too high. The only names anywhere in the video are: Circle-Ra "ncomonts"
and Dhorin "Pyecents"
And some S2 logo.
I do know that this is the 2nd video the guy made (first one wasn't ranma)
The guy who made it had all use to be on but it was taken down was the owner wanted people to buy more of his stuff so he took down everything where he didn't get the ok from the owner.
...I know way too much about hentai history on the internet <_<
I got it from a LONG time ago, they took it down because too many people were downloading it and their bandwidth was too high. The only names anywhere in the video are: Circle-Ra "ncomonts"
and Dhorin "Pyecents"
And some S2 logo.
I do know that this is the 2nd video the guy made (first one wasn't ranma)
The guy who made it had all use to be on but it was taken down was the owner wanted people to buy more of his stuff so he took down everything where he didn't get the ok from the owner.
...I know way too much about hentai history on the internet <_<
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