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TagsMega_Man, Mega_Man_(series), Roll, Splash_Woman
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Info706x700 // 269KB // jpg
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Black_Viper: 9's not even out yet and ALREADY we get this magnificent Splash Woman on Roll action... *fap fap fap* Thanks. :)
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SagaDarvulia: THAT was fast.
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Anonymous1: i wanna see the mermaids tits too
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ChompDude: The OTHER reason why her name is Splash Woman.

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Anonymous2: I haven't even seen what Spash Woman looks like. Who says she looks like that? I saw a silluette of her so I know she has a mermaid tail, but that's all we've seen of her.
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ChompDude: I like to think that she can switch forms, from legs to tail.
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Anonymous3: eww roll is way too devoleped. She looks terrible like that.
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Bart: eww anon is too dateline. they look terrible like that.
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Anonymous4: I love this site.
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Anonymous5: wow that sure didn't take long for rule 34 to strike with her, hope to see more pictures of her, maybe with her being able to transform her legs to human first of course and then fucking megaman
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Master_of_Fail: A FEmale Mega Man boss character!

Could this mark the end of Japan's long history of misogyny?!
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Anonymous6: isn't roll megaman's girlfriend?
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MetroidAddict: Sister anon 7 maybe your think of a different series theres like OVER 9000!!!
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Suzienymph: Sister. Dr. Light built them both.
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous2
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Sarahsuke: Master of Fail: HA HA HA!

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Anonymous8: I DEMAND MOAR! XD... plz?

I can wait for megaman 9... and moar pictures like this one...

fap fap fap fap
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Anonymous9: Roll isn't developed enough.

Older Roll is the best.
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Anonymous10: fukken saved
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Anonymous11: Splash Woman's body and helmet aren't necessarily correct, but I'll forgive it
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Anonymous12: This got me wondering, why did Dr.Light build little kid robots who don't have free will anyway?
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LadyStardust: What I want to know is if Mega Man is a little boy robot, why is he called Mega "MAN" and not Mega "BOY"? Seriously.
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Anonymous13: Even stranger is that his name is actually ROCK man. What has rock to do with him anyway? And don't say "because of the Rock & Roll pun, ba-dum tish!" 'cause that came later.
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Anonymous14: actually it is because of the "rock n' roll" pun. look it up.
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Anonymous15(14): CAPCOM, you were BEGGING for it! thank
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Anonymous16(14): CAPCOM, you were BEGGING for it!
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Anonymous17(14): USA USA USA
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Anonymous18(14): USA USA USA. sorry. JPN JPN JPN
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Anonymous19(14): Hey Stardunce, its because that would make him look like a sidekick.
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Anonymous20: Rule 34 strikes again
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WhoreKnee: "Suzienymph: Sister. Dr. Light built them both. "

DIdn't Dr. Light also build all the RObot Masters in MM9? So here we have...
Lesbian Robot Incest.
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Anonymous21: Doesn't beat Megaman.EXE/Lan. Underage yaoi technophile necrophiliac incest much?
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Anonymous22: "Come on Megaman don't just stand there. Don't you want to save your precious sister?" <Mario> NO...
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Anonymous24(23): I SUPPORT LEVXSPLASH!!!
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Anonymous26: lol
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Anonymous27: Save her? Oh no. I'm just going to... watch. *faps*
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Anonymous28: no wait mega man was some dude who did an experiment which kinda turned him into a robot, doctor light never made him. anyways rock is rolls brother.
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Anonymous29: fuck, i think i made a mistake, wasn't his original name rockman? but still since he did the experiment to stop dr.wily, though he never was aoriginally a robot, so he could be like her step brother or something....... hell can some one help me here?
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Anonymous30: Rockman - correct me if I'm wrong - is the Japanese name translated. Also, lmao @ anon 29!
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Anonymous31: Anon30+31

Nothing you just said is even remotely related to the story in Megaman.
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Anonymous32: no i want to film this then i will TAKE CARE OF U 2!
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Anonymous33: MM: I will! Right after I stop cumming!
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Anonymous34(33): Anon 30/31

Rock was a helper robot that volunteered to be rebuilt for combat, thus making him MegaMan. He was never human, and neither was Roll.
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InfinityTitian: I dont think he wants to save her. He wants to ape her.
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bullbum: *rape
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Anonymous35: How.... how could I have missed this? BTW, screw anon 3's post.
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Anonymous36: I remember seeing this all the time when 9 first came out! Good times...
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Anonymous37: Big brother megaman:
"Doesn't look like she wants to be saved, and she can make her own choices...but if you ever break her heart I will hunt you down blow you up and steal all your spare parts to improve my own abilities"

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