Anonymous1: Seriously, why are you asking Summer in the first place?! I'm sure Morty would be happy to do it for you. I mean, look what he's already done for you so far. XD
Anonymous2: woah, this is a big thing, i will become a fan of StickyIckySmu, I mean, Im gay and Im even enjoying this as much as if they where both male, even if I know she is a girl.
Anonymous4: - Summer): "I do Morty all the time & he just shuts up & takes it like a girl. I expect the same from you, bitch!"
- Rick): "Damn, grow your granddaughter's clit to a salami sized spurting dick & she suddenly cops a Butch attitude."
- Morty): "Ahem Summer, don't forget you promised to take care of my new vag. next."
- Rick): "Damn, grow your granddaughter's clit to a salami sized spurting dick & she suddenly cops a Butch attitude."
- Morty): "Ahem Summer, don't forget you promised to take care of my new vag. next."