blackphantom770: Finally content of Fuli showed up here. Being a feline and such I imagined she'd get a fan ship with Kion or at least some solo popularity for being a friggin cheetah (cheetahs are hot o///o) or for her somewhat tsundere personality. Plus in the show it's heavily noted that her fur is REALLY soft. At that point the show was practically begging for it. Now we got content and it's with Jasiri? lol that's just gravy :3 I hope we see more of Fuli in the future. Possibly as an anthro and with other characters in the Lion King Universe. o3o
(Secretly wants to see her with Kovu and or Vitani)
Anonymous1: I'm geniunely impressed one of these artist knows about the penis-like clitoris female hyenas have, I came just because I was curious about this show having porn and now I leave being impressed, lol
(Secretly wants to see her with Kovu and or Vitani)
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