Anonymous7: Donno about you guise, but I think this image depicts a very tragic and realistic situation. Hear me out. Every time Miroku tried to grab some sweet ass, he was mercilessly slapped and smacked upside his head by hateful feminists. Decades of such physical abuse have damaged his mind to the point where he resorts to childlike behavior such as building snow figures of nude women and grabbing their boobies for enjoyment. It`s called traumatic repression, you guise.
Anonymous11: it would be hilarious if there was another pic of him sticking his dick into the snow-kagome.\r\n\r\ni would love to see the look on everyone elses face
Anonymous12: To anon eleven-Inuyasha would grab Kagome and run away with her to hide far away from Miroku if Miroku went that far. Also, Miroku would wind up in a coma from getting hit on the head a trillion times from Sango`s Hirako.
aznboi19: THERE ISNT ONE OF SANGO\r\n\r\nITS KAGOMEMIROKU\r\nI LOVE IT!\r\n\r\nMiroku hardly gropes Kagome due to Inuyashas presence\r\nif inuyasha werent there kagome would be madly abused
Anonymous17(16): I love the look on Inuyash`s face, in the pic up above... PRICELESS!!!! In the other pic, with the snow sango, Miroku`s fonling her butt. lol
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