Anonymous1: From Left to Right: Trixie_Carter
Sara(Or Oracle_twins)
Tara(Or Oracle_twins. I'm not sure if Oracle is considered their last name or not due to the fact that they are both Oracles in the magical realm)
EpicFailMomma: Hey rat? would the deadly force be before the violation of all of Trixie Haley Sara and Tara's love holes? Because it might be worth it.
Anonymous10: So... why would they cut off the heads of the image? Given Haley's head appears partially, iy looks like they just cropped out that part of the image.
Anonymous11: Anon10: as many people have cleverly pointed out, Haley is 8. She's shorter than the rest so, if you took a picture from a perspective that cut off their heads, she'd have half hers in.
MayarO: Yes, there's a nude version...needs Susan, Sun and a couple others from the show in there...I dun mind seein gals in their undies...tho the nude version is all bald...needin some FURRY on 'em...
Sara(Or Oracle_twins)
Tara(Or Oracle_twins. I'm not sure if Oracle is considered their last name or not due to the fact that they are both Oracles in the magical realm)
BTW, nice (although you could leave out Haley)
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WARNING: Any and all intruders on my territory will suffer deadly force to their groins.
just punish me after ive finished plz
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