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Uploadernofaith, avatar
TagsBurter, Captain_Ginyu, Dragon_Ball_(series), Ginyu_Force, Guldo, Jeice, Recoome, Rule_63
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Info400x400 // 121KB // png
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nofaith: Thanks to those who fixed the tags for me.
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MajorDouchebag: Poor Jeice always in Rule 63 and getting a dick rammed into him.
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shetni64: It's only natural. Even as a man, he was the prettiest member of the Ginyu Force (or so he claimed).
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PileatedSnagret: i'm half-gay for girl jeice.

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Anonymous1: What does the scouter say about their power level?!
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evilpika: ^This place always succeeds at cheering me up. Good show, anonymi!
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ZeroXDash: Those cocks have a bigger girth than her forearms.

On another note, this picture if fuck win yes caliber 50.
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SONIC_FRIEZA: I was ready to start complaining that Jeice doesn't deserve the faggotic rule 63 tag because when i was young i used to believe that Jeice was actually a buffed tomboy chick,cause of the red girly skin with long white hair which is a femine combination in my eyes along with some femine moves he did and the fact that he was dubbed by a female actor in my country.
But then before i post my comment and apparently ridicule myself i deside to take a look at some pictures of him on google and i changed my mind.

Still this picture is how Jeice should have been in the series, a super hot alien babe that i want to fuck till there is no tomorrow or till my balls explode!!!
By the way damn you Mr Toriyama for showing us hot alien chicks like Jeice and Kaioshin and then ruinning any fantasies by claiming them to be guys and damn you Japanese assholes for ruinning such uberhot picture with your idiotic censorship!!!
We must found the uncensored version now!!!
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O_Rly: Yes, moar 63'd Jeice!!
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nofaith: Sorry Frieza, I'm afraid this picture actually came from the original artist, there is no uncensored version unless you feel like redrawing and uncensoring it yourself.
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MajorDouchebag: NO NO NO, Less 63'd Jeice, he doesn't deserve that and Sonic_Frieza you are a schmuck and regardless of how he is voiced in your country, he obviously is a dude!
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Anonymous4: there's good quality artwork, & there's bad quality artwork..then there are ones that are so great that there will never be others that'll match it in greatness no matter how many times you reference it or even follow the artists methods. fucking saved
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SONIC_FRIEZA: Well nofaith it doesn't really matter if this picture came from the original artist cause he publish the censored one in order to be right with the fucking Japanese censorship law,still in his private pc or some close friend's pc the uncensored version exists cause it would be totally pointless for him to draw it if he could't enjoy his own work in the first place.

Majordouchebag if i am a schmuck then either you are a dumbass for not being able to understand what i said in my message or a raging fangirl of Jeice that fails to understand that compare to the other Ginyu members Jeice was like a tomboy,he was the second shortest of the group,he was the second less masculine of the group,his red skin with white hair was a girly combination and to make it worse his battle poses along whith some of his moves where quite femine compare to the other ginyu members.
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Anonymous5: Hehehe, Guldo's nit getting any action awwww.
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Anonymous6(5): Either that or Jeice was gay SONIC_FRIEZA.
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Anonymous7: Yeah, he and burter were quite the "pair" after all.

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Puppet_Master: Jeice was, and is, in the original manga and anime, quite masculine. Just because he's short doesn't mean anything. Hell, Vegeta's tiny. Ahem. So to speak.

Still, the original seiyuu for Jeice is a guy. The poses aren't THAT girly. And the combo is just.. eh. Wildass mullet, I say.
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Anonymous8: I wanna turn to fuck.
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Anonymous9: " Do you know how long it's gonna take to get this cum out of my pussy!? " "Complain all you want at least you got pussy."
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furriehentaiboy16: MOAR 63'D JEICE who im gonna start calling jeicealia.
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Anonymous10: Needz moar spooge.
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Anonymous11: Oh fuck Puppet, it didn't even occur to me that Jeice may just be the original HYPER MULLET... Maybe that's why they dub him Aussie? :|
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Anonymous12: i must know the artist and/or the source of this picture.

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