Anonymous2(1): The dicks are all weird looking and out of proportion, and look flaccid before and after. I can't fap to this, too busy being weirded out.
Anonymous7: the double posting is usually the result of rule34 not posting comments half the fucking time, which means when you try and re-post, it posts both.
Anonymous9(8): Anyway, that said, not really a fan of the art myself. I prefer novakids without a mouth or orifices tbh. And the second half it's really forced looking. Like, when I look at it, all I can think is she said something about samples and they're dicks just started oozing out cum in a really weird way. I don't like that there's no movement.
Anonymous10: To be honest I drew it like that because I'm lazy and couldn't be bothered redrawing it all with movement for the ejaculation *shrug* it would have taken time I didn't have :')
- Reply
rule34 in a nutshell, folks.
Good art, by the way, great post my friend.