Anonymous9: Finally, Lucario exploded! I hated the bastard anyways.
Call me what you want, I'm not affected by all your insults anyways. *laughs evilly*
Cobra_Commander: I like Mewtwo's face in the end. Kinda like "The best part about raping Lucario is not making him explode, is showing every Lucario lover on Paheal that I did."
Anonymous14: THIS reminds me all too well of that scene in the Monty Python film "The Meaning of Life"; the one where the ABOMINABLE Mr. Creosote lumbers into a restuarant ... I'm SURE I don't have to describe any more. You KNOW what goes on ! -Kimmy
Anonymous39: You're right. I thought about that, and I realized that it looks more like he was sent flying by 7 gallons of pressurized splooge coming out of his ass.
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Call me what you want, I'm not affected by all your insults anyways. *laughs evilly*
I am greatly honoured to annouce that Cobra Commander just won the jackpot of one million internets!
Or, shit, any fancharacters at all, period.
I especially hate this artist. At the very least, he could make his shit decently drawn, but, hell, he failed at that, too.
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Also, I feel that Lucario deserves this.
At least Mewtwo killed him and didn't let him live as immobile ball of cum...
also, tell me who the artist is, I wanna go fucking murder him
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