CommanderShepardlol: @Korrdavl: Yeah, considering the technology levels in OW, I'm sure some Ghost in the shell levels of realistic prosthetic limbs/bodies is prominent. Although in her comic, the raptora security dude in the stretcher seemed to have all his limbs. But Pharah's suit could be/is different. Who knows.
Emagine: @Korrdavl: She isnt an amputee. It's just her armour according to playoverwatch twitter account. Here is the proof.
CommanderShepardlol: @Emagine: I mean, I'd prefer it just be a suit. That may have been Blizzards intention, it could be a "design flaw" and that they didn't intend it to come off as if they're mechanical limbs. AS for the twitter response, that felt kind of ambiguous. Even if they're mechanical, she must have "normal" realistic limbs to replace her suit for when she's not on the clock I'd imagine.
CommanderShepardlol: @Emagine: Looked at some pictures, has to be mechanical limbs... there's no denying it really lol.
Anonymous2: @CommanderShepardlol: In the same way that Hanzo somehow does not have artificial legs, so does Pharah have all of her limbs. proof.
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judging by her armour, she's a (willing cyborg soldier?!?!) quadruple amputee...
which doesnt mean that she cant have fully natural-looking prosthetic limbs while on R&R..
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Nooooo my Egyptian goddess...