Anonymous11(7): dosenit looklike her hert beat im cheaking on her to make sure that she is sleeping and sheis saleeping like a kitty in the box butihaveto cheakingonher tosee her breathing inhaling ex haling lookater shes sleeping on kirby shes sleeping ihaveto cheakonher to make sure taht shes ok i,ll make sure that shes breathing porperly ipromise to chheaonher tosee that shes breathing poerly ok sheis breathing porperly looksheis sleeping ok shes breathing poperly imseeing that she isnt soring but anyeay ihaveto cheak again tosee thatshe is breathing poreerely ok i cheaked onher that tomake sure that shes doing ok
Anonymous12(7): adeleine issleeping sun ofa gun leave her the heak alone imcheaking onher you bolck head im cheaking onherok she is still sleaepimng she has tonap because she is tired
Anonymous13(7): shh shes seeping ihaveto cheakonheerhmmm itlookslike that her heart is beating but ihave to cheak onheeagaain but ihave tobring my heart listing thing and lisen to adeleine<s heart tosee that shes ok ihaveto cheakonher ill be backifelt adeleine"s heart she was breathing prperly ok ihad tomncheakonher tosee that shesoki was listening to adeleines heart to see that her heart is ok ihaveto lisen toher heart onemoreherbhheeart isok good for adeleine
Anonymous14(7): adeleineisok good thing tosay to adeleine iqas cheaking on her tosee her breathing and sheis breathing ok but ihaveto cheakon her onemore timesheisok thank god im happy thatadeleine is doning ok im so proud ofher that shesok im happy toheartjhat ami agiood doctor ? imgoning to see her breathingshes ok she is just tireed iwas see her breathing imgoing t o cheakon her onemore shes is keepingon breathib=ng iwas cheakingon her thas agood thing that sheisok that she is ok sheis breathing poerly goodthing sheisok
Anonymous17: LOL, extralife, videogames ruin lives, tee-hee, it's a good thing all gamers have a lot of lives in reserve just in case, and Adeleine is not sleeping but breathing heavily or panting maybe
- Reply
You're lying. You might have had ALMOST full health, but not full, cause then she'd have painted an extra life. :P