Anonymous2: likely cuz the artist is rather black himself, or he has eye color problems and thinks ash is black, when ash is more like a mexican or something.
Anonymous3: No because nig cocks are legend to be the biggiest cocks, so artist are always (not all the time) drawing them in pics where all you see of the guy is cock, balls or both
Anonymous4(2): i am not looking at the view of the fact this pic is not showing the attractive and successful African, but rather there are pics of ash screwing Porkyman, and he has the case of niggeritus. search for mawile and you'll see what I mean (and no dont say it's the shadows, only his face isnt showing...reminds me of that one boy from paranoia agent). But I agree black cawk is perhaps the biggest of all cocks.
Anonymous12: All of you guys should stop hating on the black man's cock, but I guess you can't help it if you only can work with your 4 to 2" inch penis to struggingly try to satisfy women.:)
Anonymous14: nezumi black and japanse? interesting proposal seeing that he draws with japanese letters, skills and a black man w/ spike like hair BUT he doesnt censor his work. wat does that say?
Anonymous16: no, japanese men who are hard workers normally have a strong tan. Also remember Japan itself is near the equator. Since sex is hard work, most male parts will have that tan. Also its become a cult trend in this genre. The more you know..
Anonymous17(16): no, japanese men who are hard workers normally have a strong tan. Also remember Japan itself is near the equator. Since sex is hard work, most male parts will have that tan. Also its become a cult trend in this genre. The more you know..
Anonymous23: @ anonymous 6: "thee" is the object form of "thou", as in one person. You probably meant "you", the object form of "ye", as in multiple people.
You guys are weird and I will not associate myself with thee!
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Not black. Unless he's black Japanese.
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Besides criticizing fappage is a fail
Congratulations anon 17.
that said, i'll stick with ubertrap Gardevoir
I'll be screwing a female Lopunny with the obligatory male coloring in the other room if you need me.