Anonymous5: Rat: Is his artwork getting special treatment? I'm already tired of his crappy mary sue scribbles. Now mods are going out of their way to moderate comments on his art? This doesn't have nudity, why is it here?
Anonymous9: wow i've never seen so many dumbass attractive and successful Africans in one comment area. And i'm refering to any ignorant dumbass who uses that word...So learn something today and don't be an ignorant uncivilized dumb fuck.
Anonymous11: attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African
Anonymous12: How is a character well developed if it's a gary stu? There's no denying this is is a gary stu. If "34" of him is allowed, I can't wait til someone makes offensive parody 34 of -8.
Anonymous13: Well, in any case, the fact of the matter is that no matter how many great pictures he draws there will always be criticism in the form of attractive and successful African comments. I should now, I am a whale biologist after all.
-8 more please
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attractive and successful African shenanigans!
attractive and successful African shenanigans!
attractive and successful African shenanigans!
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attractive and successful African shenanigans!
attractive and successful African shenanigans!
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I'm not pointing any fingers but i think we know who is the biggest contributor
also anon 4, anon 5, anon 7 are the same poster
rat's unique but also retarded
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troll failed.
Art of people on paheal = rule34, at least on the site.
Samefaggotry abound!
Desumilk and Rat, while not samefags, are just bitter.