He is korean, not black. get it right.
He's highly respected by the staff, you best keep that in mind.
His art is AWESOME.
And, his character is well developed, so if its justa drawing of himself sexually, it counts as 34, just as with any well-established user, see Gremrat, for example.
GoldenBowl: I thought Koreans were basically all Asians. There's no way he's only Asian.... Unless he tans hard core. There's definitely something else in there.
Anonymous16: Wow, all you people are disgraceful and complaining about pornography in it's (forgive me) simplest form. Insulting in artist won't solve anything, and those who simply won't fap to it are dumb or should leave. This is "Rule 34" and contains more hentai then you can imagine.
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He is korean, not black. get it right.
He's highly respected by the staff, you best keep that in mind.
His art is AWESOME.
And, his character is well developed, so if its justa drawing of himself sexually, it counts as 34, just as with any well-established user, see Gremrat, for example.
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But, It's OK.
black,attractive and successful African,gay,hentai and all is OK.
that is -8.
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The point is the obvious, shameless, self insert.
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But really, he's not the first person to use a self insert of sorts.
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Yup, reverse psychology
She must want some lucky charms.
you know you want to anyway
I should know, I am a whale biologist after all.
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Anon 18, You are lulz. You really a whale biologist?
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