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TagsLegend_of_Zelda, Midna, Twili, Twili_Midna, Twilight_Princess
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Info800x600 // 30KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: Nice. There is so much Midna hentai of her when she's in her imp form, you'd think there would be more of THIS form. ;)
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Anonymous2: true Midna is superior
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Anonymous3: It is a pain in the ass going through 100+ imp midnas to find a single true-midnas.

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Anonymous4: That'd be a damn fine idea.
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Melynx: I didn't even know till now that she HAD another form.
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Masterchief: goatse meatspin lemonparty
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Anonymous5: yeah, the endings lame but at least you get to see hot midna.
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Anonymous6: Two reasons why imp midna outnumbers true form midna. Firstly, we knew about imp Midna since the mid-2004ish trailer, whereas nobody knew about true form midna until after the release of the game in late 2006. Those 2 years was plenty of time for imp midna porn to build up all over the interwebs.

Or we just like little girl porn more than the regular stuff. Always a possibility.
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Anonymous7: i always thought that it was because imp midna was annoying as hell and so raping her (with our minds and pictures) was our form of revenge
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Anonymous8: well i like the true midna more then the imp-midna
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Anonymous9: no zelda support character will ever be as annoying a Navi. HEY! HEY! WAIT! LISTEN! LOOK OUT! SHUT THE FUCK UP!
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AnonyMoose: ^ well said. I concur. ;)
Midna was the best thing that could have ever happened to the Zelda franchise.. well after Link and Zelda respectively of course.
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Anonymous10: @Anon 7 - Yeah, rape Imp Midna, but we want True Midna to rape US ;)
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Anonymous11: agreed Anon10...agreed...
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gabonzo: Anon( obviously never met Fi...
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gabonzo: *Anon 9
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Anonymous12: Can't we tag all true form midnas as Twili_Midna as that's how she's referred to in Hyrule Warriors

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