Anonymous1: Oho, Mr. 'I just use one type of body on every girl its my style' needs to promote yourself agai. You're not Tojyo, Allcreator. Stop thinking that. And stop tracing.
Anonymous4(1): Hey Anon2. Always remember to make a better one when you give critic on someone else movie. Or music. You have to be better than anyone before you can give him critic.
I doubt that Anon3. I just see a few more lines on the penis and vagina. He got either better or greenhand traced again.
I'll search the original from a image that Greenhand traced and will link to it. Could take a day.
Anonymous5: A4: Being better is a matter of opinion and you're wrong anyway. You don't have to be a great artist to know whether something is of good or bad quality. Personally, I think this is one of Greenhands best. But that isn't saying much.
Anonymous6: Anon 5: No shit, sherlock? That was sarcasmn. I agree with your >You don't have to be a great artist to know whether something is of good or bad quality.
I also agree that this is one of greenhands better works.
Anonymous12: i'm too drunk to apply a lubricant to beat off with, now i got an abrasion on my fucking cock, thanks a lot. Also i seriously fucked up that calc 2 exam today, FUCK.
I doubt that Anon3. I just see a few more lines on the penis and vagina. He got either better or greenhand traced again.
I'll search the original from a image that Greenhand traced and will link to it. Could take a day.
I also agree that this is one of greenhands better works.
Why am I an asshole, anon9?